The genuine goodness of a humble Israel slave girl

王山夆-104352  03/26   3545  

I am really impressed by the genuine goodness in the heart of a humble and young Israel girl.

The young Israel girl was captured as a slave and was given to Naaman’s wife as a maid. Naaman was the commander of the Aramean army, and suffered leprosy.

Instead of bitterness , the lord planted genuine goodness in the heart of the girl.

One day the girl said to her mistress, “I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy."

Naaman followed her advice , went to Elisha and his leprosy was cleaned. He said to Elisha,"From now on I will never again offer burnt offerings or sacrifices to any other god except the LORD."

Israel was in turmoil and deep sin at that time, but I saw the future of Israel in this humble young girl.

The future was not their mighty army, the army would be defeated ; the future was not their corrupted kings, the kings would be captured ; the future was the genuine goodness in this humble slave girl, in the end, it will bring Israel back to the Lord .


Bible verses,
The king of Aram had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him the LORD had given Aram great victories. But though Naaman was a mighty warrior, he suffered from leprosy.

At this time Aramean raiders had invaded the land of Israel, and among their captives was a young girl who had been given to Naaman’s wife as a maid. One day the girl said to her mistress, “I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy.”

So Naaman told the king what the young girl from Israel had said. “Go and visit the prophet,” the king of Aram told him. “I will send a letter of introduction for you to take to the king of Israel.”

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭5:1-5a ‭NLT‬‬