liao 04/22 60363.8/4
法案通过的话,加州就是从2017年起要全面禁止各类主流半自动步枪,包括 AR 15. 大家赶紧发声反对!禁半自动步枪的两个法案都是华人议员邱信福 推出的!
AB 1663, which bans the most common semi-automatic rifles including the M1 Carbine and the Mini 14,
该法案要禁掉 大部分常见的半自动步枪,包括M1和Mini 14 。
AB 1664, which would force ALL owners of ALL semi-automatic firearms that employ a “Bullet Button” or some other magazine-locking device to register them as "assault weapons,"
该法案要篡改进攻性武器的定义,新加入所有 有Bullet Button的半自动步枪,强迫所有 AR15 所有者注册为有进攻性武器。通过以后2017年起加州将无法购买AR 15 !
AB 1673, which is the Assembly's version of the ridicilous "ghost gun" bill,
该法案把未完成的 lower receiver也定义为 firearm ,要求通过联邦枪支经销商买卖。
AB 1674, which bans the sale of more than one rifle or shotgun at a time and limits the sale of all guns to one a month.