San Ramon学区会议华人群众声援受害学生
SVCA-1029 06/14 61674.1/9
最新更新(6/24):学生家长决定把迫害学生的学校相关人员告上法庭。 发出了 Go fundme open letter. 关心此事的朋友请点击查看信件内容,并给予支持
快讯: 今晚在San Ramon 学区听证会上发声目的达到了。Board Members 中有人明确表示赞同我们。也有委员说上次的发言人根本没有看过录像。有的人想毁掉学生的前途。学校处理不当(学生第一时间撤销录像,就应该 move on )。不过这些都是各个委员口头意见。学区整体没有承诺具体动作。还需要继续跟踪。
今天Board Members大部分表现同情男生, 反对网上bully运动,除华人发言外还有三名白人发言,立场也在我们一边。虽然看着不错,这只是第一步。
另外附上硅谷华人协会会长 陆滢女士的发言文字版。最后给出网友 Wennan, 百合 整理的中文事件描述。
现场还有 天使,龙哥, Liao, Wade 等发言。 不少群众也不辞辛苦,赶来助阵。十分感谢!
My name is Crystal Lu and I'm President of the Silicon Valley Chinese Association Foundation, a nonprofit with a large presence in the Tri-Valley Area.
I am here to talk about the boy who made the video in question. The boy's mom was from the Philippines and the dad is Chinese. They are a working class family, not a rich family as described by some people. The boy would be the first ASIAN American to win the Student Body Presidency at SRVHS.
The video was put on Youtube on a Monday night. As soon as the boy heard some mild concern from one fellow student, he had it taken down immediately early next morning. Therefore, it only received 30 views. No media has seen it. The vast majority of the social media commentators never saw it. Unfortunately, many media outlets jumped to the conclusion of racial discrimination based on some Facebook hear-say. Their harsh tone further fueled the anger within our community onto this boy and his family.
I want to point out that two people played a key role in publicly prosecuting this boy. One is the Leadership teacher who appointed the candidate who lost in the election to be the winner, while the boy was still under interrogation. The other is the parent who started the smear campaign. It happens that the teacher and this parent are good friends. Coincidentally, these two people are close friends with the parent of the girl who was appointed as the winner but actually lost to the boy by a large margin. All three people are leaders of the same major religious organization in our community.
To get to the bottom of the story, we reached out to the family's lawyer. A handful of us had the opportunity to view the actual video. It was pretty evident that the video was a parody featuring a James Bond-like character rescuing a game guru kidnapped by two bad guys who want to force the hostage to play in a gaming tournament on their behalf.
The boy's fellow students elected him by a landslide, for his academic excellence, his remarkable leadership and his love for helping poor kids and disabled kids through his civic activities.
This is a boy who was a recipient of the "Student of the Year" award. His love for his community and disabled children around the world has been noteworthy. He chaired a global project at school rallying 1000+ fellow students and raising $3,500 dollars - enough to send 21 wheelchairs to Guatemala & Costa Rica.This is a kid that always believed in his heart that service to humanity is the best work in life. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the opinion war, neither he nor his two younger siblings who had nothing to do with this video were able to go back to school. We ask you to stand with us against bullying from the school system who handled the incident most inappropriately and unprofessionally.