Dublin空地改用途的 public meeting, May 20

SVCA-1029  05/12   6516  

Dublin Public Meeting on May 20
回家收到这个通知。照相后光学字符识别 (OCR)文本如下:

The City of Dublin City Council will take action on the following project:

PROJECT: PLPA-2013-00005 & PLPA-2014-Q0019 Summerhill Homes Residential & General
Commercial (Dublin Land Company/Summerhili Homes) a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendment Study Continuation (Parcels 3 S 4) and a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendment Study Initiation Request (Parcel 2).

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City Council will consider two separate applications:
1) a request to continue the General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Study to change the land use designations for Parcels 3 & 4 to Medium Density Residential from the existing land use
designations of General Commercial& Medium Density Residential, Medium High Density Residential, High Density Residential, and Public/Semi-Public on the northern 2377-acres of the overall 80.1 acre
Dublin Land Company property: and
2} a request to initiate a General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Amendment Study to evaluate a proposal to change the land use designations for Parcel 2 to General Commercial, Medium-High Oensity Residential and Medium Density Residential from the existing land use designations of neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, Medium High Density Residential and High Oensity Residential on 30.26 acres of the overall 80.1 acre Dublin Land Company property.

LOCATION: North of Dublin Blvd. between Tassajara Road and Brannigan Street, including the
property along the north side of Gleason Drive

ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment
Study initiation request has been reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was found to be Categorically Exempt under Section 15306,
Class 6 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Information Collection).

PROPERTY OWNER: John DiManto, 1210 Coleman Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050

PROJECT PROPONENTS: Summerhill Homes, 3000 Executive Parkway, #450, San Ramon, CA
94588 (Attn: Marshall Torre) on behalf of Dublin Land Company

PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting will be held before the City Council on Tuesday, May
20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin. Any interested
persons) may appear and be heard on this matter. If you challenge the above-described action in
Court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public
meeting described in this nonce, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Dublin at. or
prior to, the public meeting.

In general, the Staff Report for this item will become available on the City's website at www.dublin.ca.us on the Fnday before the scheduled meeting. There may be instances when the Staff Report is posted at a later date. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the City of Dublin Community Development Department at (925) 833-6610.

Luke Suns, AICP
Community Development. Director
DATED: May 2, 2014
PUBLISHED May 10, 2014