强烈抗议丑化华裔的fresh off the boat!
SVCA-1029 05/15 105974.5/97
强烈抗议丑化华裔的fresh off the boat!
这两天看到有人追捧一个华裔电视剧 fresh of the boat
好奇看了那个 trailer, 太离谱了!典型歧视丑化华裔的片子:大声吼叫,超市打架,索取免费食品,带令人作呕的午餐,我看了30秒就受不了呢。这么种族歧视华裔的片子还在追捧? 还 是和ABC 谈判后 向华裔示好的姿态? 是对华裔的打脸! 我强烈愤慨! 真的向华裔示好,可以播记录华裔苦难,贡献的纪录片,反映华裔正面贡献,优点的电视剧。难以想象!
片子放出去,只会更加加深对我们的娃娃歧视和偏见!我强烈抗议! 建议想推的朋友自己看完 后再推。看完后你再推不迟!
最后,Fresh Off the Boat 本来也是有歧视性的用词。
The phrases Fresh off the boat (FOB), Off the boat (OTB), Freshy, or just simply Boat; are terminologies used to describe immigrantsthat have arrived from a foreign nation and have not yet assimilated into the host nation's culture, language, and behaviour.[1]Within some ethnic Asian circles in the United States, the phrase is considered politically incorrect and derogatory. It can also be used to describe the stereotypical behavior of new immigrants as, for example, their poor driving skills,[2] that they are educated yet working low-skilled or unskilled jobs, and their use of broken English.