【4/15/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片/视频】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  04/17   4584  

Kids took over this week’s meeting by storm! The speakers of the day were both 3rd-graders, both evaluators were kids, and the table topic was led by a junior for the first time. They all did an outstanding job!! The meeting was kicked off by Wendy followed by our inspiring toastmaster Shimin. It was a successful meeting with smooth transition, great time management and many enjoyable moments.

Speaker1 Alex

Alex - Icebreaker. Alex introduced himself to the audience, and talked about his passion for life - playing video games. He educated us on video game history and also attempted to convince parents that he was preparing for surgeon skills while playing video games. Not sure if parent shared the same perspective, but all kids in the meeting seemed to agree with his opinion.

Speaker 2 - Eddie

Eddie - Icebreaker. Eddie is a third-grade student with a big accomplishment. He is not only skilled at rubix cubes in different shapes and sizes, but also the youngest student mastered this skill at his school. In addition to rubix cubes, Eddie loves swimming and his role model is Michael Phelps.

Evaluators -



Table topic -

This week’s table topic was led by our competent young man - Michael. Michael demonstrated maturity beyond his years, he was confident and calm with great posture, his questions were well-thought. He inspired so many kids in the meeting, we look forward to seeing more kids taking exciting and challenging roles.

The theme was Reach For the Sky, we discussed why we should set our goals high, our role models, and our biggest accomplishment in the past.

Functionary roles -

Pledge And Inspiration: Hannah

JokeMaster: Aiden

General Evaluator: Adam

Timer: Kevin

Ah Counter: Isaac

Grammarian: Vincent

Quizmaster: Jason

Awards -

Better speaker: Alex

Better evaluator: Caleb

Better table topic: Joe, Margaret, Kate

Attendees Count-

Members: 14

Kids: 21

Guests: 2

Kids’ Opinions Matter-

To start off yesterday's meeting, Hannah gave an inspirational speech. She encourages us to set a goal and achieve it. Secondly Aidan was the joke master. He told some very interesting jokes such as when you combine an elephant and Darth Vader you get an elevator. Alex was the first speaker. He talked about the history of video games. He taught us that video games make you smarter. I learned a lot from that speech. The second speaker was Eddie. He is very good at solving rubik cubes. The evaluators, Alexis and Caleb, did a good job at evaluating the speakers' speeches. The next part was the table topic section. This time the table topic master was Michael. The theme was reach for the sky. I liked how Margaret said that Edison surmounted people's expectation.

- Jessie