【2/11/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting   

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  02/13   2806  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 2/11/2017
Theme: Valentine’s Day

We had another successful meeting this week with lots of interesting and inspiring highlights.
(1) A high school teacher found herself in the same toastmaster meeting with her student. 
(2) A member got to evaluate her long-time friend/alumni’s speech.
(3) We had 4 new guests attended the meeting.
(4) A new quiz section was introduced to the meeting, if you thought you listened attentively, we will challenge you with a few trivia questions at the end of the meeting.
(5) A kid who was usually quiet in the meeting raised his hand for the first time, and provided a thoughtful answer to a table topic question. 
(6) A new member who just joined this week, took home the icebreaker speech instructions, she is already planning her first speech.

To top it off, we got to take home freshly-picked organic lemons provided by Jennifer, I would say this was the perfect kind of meeting:)

President Bill opened the meeting and warmly greeted new guests. He asked members for feedback about the meeting, Fei thought the meeting “is a bonding time, kids see me trying my best to improve my communication skills, on the other hand, I got to watch her improving hers too “. Kate said “it’s a great experience, I always look forward to come here”. Toastmaster and table topic master were led by Adam and Shimin, respectively. 

 Speaker 1 Julie 

 While delivering her icebreaker speech, Julie talked eloquently like a seasoned speaker. She used props to demonstrate her “working outfit”, she shared her challenges as a professional working mom, which resonated well with other moms in the meeting.

Speaker 2 Andrew 

    Andrew is a natural talented speaker. Being only 10-years-old, Andrew’s calm and solid performance during the icebreaker speech gained respect from the whole audience. 

Evaluators -



Awards -

Better speaker: Julie

Better evaluator: Fei

Better table topic speakers: Katherine, Kerry

Functionary roles -

General Evaluator: Jennifer

Pledge And Inspiration: Alex

JokeMaster: Caleb

Timer: Ryan

Ah Counter: Kate

Grammarian: Michael

Whether you joined today’s meeting for the first time, or volunteered for a new role in the meeting, you have embraced new challenges and stepped out of your comfort zone, you will only get stronger and more confident from this point on!