【4/8/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  04/10   3259  

Our president Bill opened the meeting, Wendy and Jennifer announced a few upcoming exciting news.

  1. Our Hope Toastmaster has been officially chartered! There is no better way to celebrate this exciting big day than having a celebration party. We will announce the date as soon as we can confirm.

  2. As summer is fast approaching and Hope Chinese school will be closed for the summer, we have located a new meeting room just for the summer.  Toastmaster meeting will be held every other week, from 3pm - 4:30pm on 5/20, 6/3, 6/17, 7/8, 7/22, 8/5, 8/19. More details to follow.

  3. We added a new role for kids, every week one kid volunteer will write a short paragraph about the meeting, anything related to the meeting. The writing will be added the weekly recap. This week’s volunteer is Kate.

Toastmaster -


Speaker - Hong

Hong - Icebreaker Speech. Hong introduced herself to the audience, she talked about how she came to US, and when she was offered an exciting career opportunity, she realized she needed some help from toastmaster to take her communication and leadership skills to the next level. Great job Hong, that’s truly a sincere and wonderful first speech!

Evaluators -


Table topic -

This week’s table topic was led by Lynn. Lynn did an outstanding job being the first time at this role. The theme of the day was Volunteering and Community Service. When it came to a topic that’s close to our hearts, the table topic received overwhelming participation from adults, almost everyone shared their understanding of compassion and caring for others and the community.

Functionary roles -

Pledge And Inspiration: Kevin

JokeMaster: Vincent

General Evaluator: Shimin

Timer: Alex

Ah Counter: Kyle

Grammarian: Kate

Quizmaster: Kaitlyn

Awards -

Better speaker: Hong

Better evaluator: Ryan

Better table topic: Bill, Hannah

Attendees Count-

Members: 13

Kids: 16

Kids’ Opinion Matter

I thought this meeting was very enjoyable today because we had a lot of good news and reasons to celebrate! One of the things I most enjoyed about this meeting and I think most people liked it as well, was the table topic. As Bill said, “It makes me feel good helping other people”.

As to celebrate having the club chartered, we will have a party! So kids, think of some party ideas like bringing some toast to eat at the party. - Kate