【2/4/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  02/05   2569  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 2/4/2017

Theme: How to manage time effectively

To say today’s meeting was full of energy would be an understatement. We had a room full of members and guests, all were engaged in the meeting and eager to participate and express their thoughts and opinions.

President Bill opened the meeting and warmly greeted the guests, followed by toastmaster Fei. Table topic was led by Wendy.

First Speaker

Caleb - Where I live. Being the youngest speech speaker in the club, Caleb demonstrated maturity beyond his years. He was confident delivering his speech. His life story was charming, we felt we entered this young  boy’s life, and went outdoor fishing and played indoor chess with him along the way.

Second Speaker

Haiwen - Neuroplasticity, Telomere and the Benefits of Meditation. Who would have known there was a correlation between meditation and brain size? Haiwen explained the scientific theory in layman’s term, even kids can understand and recite the idea. The story was educating and captivating, we all felt smarter after the speech.

Evaluators -

Ryan and Shimin

Evaluation provides an opportunity to exercise and enhance listening and critical thinking skills. Both evaluators did a fantastic idea providing feedback and offering valuable suggestions to the speakers. Ryan suggested Caleb add more voice variations, and Shimin added a creative idea that Haiwen lead the audience to meditate. 

Awards -

Better speaker: Haiwen

Better evaluator: Ryan

Better table topic speakers: Caleb, Kevin, Claire, Kate, Judy

Functionary roles -

General Evaluator: Jennifer

Pledge And Inspiration: Hannah

JokeMaster: Alex

Timer: Kevin

Ah Counter: Kate

Gramarian: Claire

While kids did a great job engaging, participating, listening and speaking up, they keep surprising us with their outstanding performance, we are amazed by you!

If you show any interest in our Hope Toastmasters club, please scan the QR code below to join us! 

Information about our meeting location and time can be found here:
