【1/21/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  01/30   2315  

We had a successful meeting with lots of energy this week. Quite a few guests joined us and also participated in various roles.

Functionary Roles:
Toastmaster - JenniferY
Pledge And Inspiration - JessieZh
Jokemaster - CalebL
Timer - KateL
Ah Counter - KevinM

Heiwen led table topcis, and the topic was inauguration. Participants included Jennifer, Fei, Shimin, Mary, Ji, Caleb, Jessie and Andrew. Impromptu speech is the most challenging part of the meeting, while all first time guests and kids did an amazing job stating their point of view clearly.

JackZh - In Jack’s icebreaker speech, he talked about his struggle with his speech and the resons why he wanted to improve it.
WendyW - Wendy shared two stories about people with autism/asperger living a normal life. We learned a lot more about Autism and Asperger.


Better speaker: JackZh
Better table topic speakers: AndrewZh & FeiW
Better evaluator: FeiW

Everyone did an excellent job at this meeting. Kudos to kids who volunteered for functionary roles, they listened carefully and worked hard to fulfill their respective roles.

For meeting time and location, please click this link: