【2/18/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【高清图片+视频】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  02/20   2636  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 2/18/2017 

 This week’s meeting was headed up by Toastmaster Bill, on the theme of “All About Presidents”. It seems fitting since President’s day is just around the corner.

Speaker 1 Ryan D. 

 We all procrastinate in one degree or another, Ryan chose a subject that’s relevant to all of us. He talked about how he successfully procrastinated preparing the speech, and his thought process navigating through procrastination. Ryan’s speech style was dynamic and lighthearted, the presentation was entertaining.

Speaker2 Fei P. 

Fei shared a heartfelt story about an American lady helping orphans with medical problems getting adopted, and her own struggle fighting against cancer. Her speech was passionate and gracious, her story touched so many audience’s hearts.


Shimin & Jennifer

Table topic 

Julie might be a rookie leading table topic, she did an outstanding job managing the meeting.

Functionary roles

General Evaluator: Haiwen 

Pledge And Inspiration: Kate 

JokeMaster: Eddie 

Timer: Claire 

Ah Counter: Alexis 

Grammarian: Michael 

Quizmaster: Jack


Better speaker: Ryan 

Better evaluator: Shimin 

Better table topic: Kevin and Ding

I am closing the recap with a quote from Shimin’s evaluation speech, “You have to be confident as a speaker, so that people can trust that you have the right information.” Toastmaster provides a supportive and positive environment that helps members to develop public speaking and social confidence.

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