Humble yourself before God and resist the devil always

王山夆-104352  12/29   3007  

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Devil is the force in the darkness. He is the force against the God, and always ready to attack God's people from the dark.

He could drain the peace, love and joy in your life, and drag you into darkness ; he could cloud your head , contaminate your conscience, and lead your heart astray; he could intimidate you , discourage you , provoke you , and even knock you off the righteous path.

Devil has no mercy at all, and he always attack relentlessly. Never yield to the devil. You have no choice but to resists the devil always. He will eat you up, if you shy away; but he will flee from you , if you resist him in the Lord.

Be firm in the lord! Humble yourself before the lord, and fully rely on him. Our lord is faithful, he will protect and strengthen you, and give you grace and victory over the devil!

May the lord be with you!