Fear the God always

王山夆-104352  11/19   2130  

In the Old Testament time, people were punished severely for disobeying the law of Moses. Even though, people had no sincere and whole hearted reverence of the God , and kept turning away from Him.

And now, in the new Testament grace time, could we continue sinning after receiving his forgiveness and grace, after Jesus died for our sin on the cross?

If people disobey the law of Moses, we still have the hope of salvation from the grace. But if we trample on his grace, trample on the son of God , trample on the blood of the lord, show contempt to the God, what else could save us?

Live in his grace , follow the Holy Spirit and fear the God always.

God blesses!

Bible verses

Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. Hebrews‬ ‭10:26-27 NLT

For anyone who refused to obey the law of Moses was put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us. Hebrews‬ ‭10:28-29‬ ‭NLT‬‬