卡内基学员幸福家庭案例:Dramatize Our Appreciation

anonymous-100756  08/13   5943  

Dramatize Our Appreciation

Last Saturday, I went out shopping with my mom for a whole day. And my husband was staying at home taking care of Ted (our son).

Around 6pm, I received a message from my husband that he had cooked some meal and asked us to go back home earlier for dinner together if could.

When we went back home after a whole day shopping, it was around 8pm, my husband and son have finished dinner already. We were so tried and my husband then helped to heat the food, the meal was very delicious. My mom said that my husband has improved a lot in cooking because of Ted, and it’s really not easy for this change. My son Ted is very critical to the food he is going to eat, should look good and taste delicious, and he didn’t want to eat outside very often. Normally it’s my mom to cook for us. However sometimes, my husband has to cook for him when just them two staying at home.

The next morning, when I was going to buy the dishes for lunch, I said to my husband very seriously,

‘You are giving me very big pressure’.

‘Why?’ my husband was very curious.

‘I don’t know what kind of meal should cook for lunch now’.

My husband was surprised and asked another ‘why?’.

I then told him ‘you cooked the food so yummy last night, I am thinking about what to cook for Ted today. No matter what I am going to cook today, he might think the ones he ate last night are the best ones’.

My husband’s face shows a very happy smile and said, ‘I think they are just OK, but Ted really loves them’.

‘We love them too’, I said, ‘that’s why we finished all of them’.

I could tell from my husband’s face, he is very happy now J


Yes. Appreciation is very important to the people around, especially to our family members. Thanks.



We are living in the world of dramatization! It’s getting harder to catch people’s attention by merely stating a truth. We need to dramatize our ideas, TV does it, Movie does it, advertisement does it, so we have to do it if we want to attention!

The wife in the article surely caught the attention of her husband. The contrast from serious complaining to unexpected appreciation created a touching moment for her husband. What an art of appreciation!



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