It is not over

zhongdan lan-100790  09/09   6564  

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Unfortunately, many media outlets are reporting half-truths and a number of commentators are passing on misconceptions about the Kim Davis case. This battle is just beginning in Kentucky and nationwide. Further, Liberty Counsel has initiated new legal action on Kim Davis' behalf.

Please see my update below on these important developing events — Mat.


We are very pleased that Kim Davis was released from jail yesterday. But the battle in Kentucky is far from over for Kim and other county clerks — and for many other states' public officials who are facing similar threats of fines, incarceration, or removal from their positions over their conscience-based opposition to same-sex "marriage."

One fact that is widely misunderstood by many in the media is this: Kim's case is also about her faithful adherence to Kentucky law and not solely about her fight to protect her First Amendment rights.

+ + Kim Davis carefully followed the Commonwealth of Kentucky's law!

While the Supreme Court struck down federal and state laws defining marriage as being between one man and one woman, the Court cannot create a new law. The five lawyers on the Supreme Court who created a "right" to same-sex "marriage" did so without constitutional authority and have thus created legal chaos. The Constitution states that the creation of laws must always come from the Legislative Branch.

Kentucky's law still states that marriage is between one man and one woman. It takes action by the Kentucky legislature and governor to change their state laws to reflect the Supreme Court's ruling. The law cannot simply be "deemed" into place!

Kim Davis is adhered to Kentucky law while standing for her First Amendment right to religious liberty and freedom of conscience.

Anli, as I have said before, this case has national implications and is predictive of just how protected our religious liberties are in America following the Supreme Court's misguided ruling.

Please join me and hundreds of thousands of others in declaring that you stand for liberty and the protection of our First Amendment rights with a special gift to help us fight these battles in state and federal courts. We face Goliath-sized adversaries - but our God is bigger! Your tax-deductible gift of $30, $100, or more will help tremendously.


+ + Liberty Counsel is advancing our litigation efforts on behalf of Kim Davis.

Earlier this week, on behalf of Kim, Liberty Counsel filed a request for an order providing relief pending appeal against Gov. Steven Beshear at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. This is an emergency request for the Governor to accommodate Kim's religious convictions.

The filing addresses Gov. Beshear's inaction and refusal to consider simple accommodations for Kim Davis. The motion requests an injunction pending appeal for an exemption from the Governor's mandate that all Kentucky county clerks issue same-sex "marriage" licenses. The Governor's edict directed Kentucky county clerks like Kim Davis to authorize same-sex "marriage" licenses bearing their own names.

Coercing Mrs. Davis to authorize and personally approve same-sex "marriage" in violation of her religious convictions and conscience is wrong. From the outset of this case, Kim Davis has proposed numerous simple options to protect her sincerely-held religious beliefs. These less-restrictive solutions are readily available, and easily accomplished by the Governor and the state agency responsible for designing the revised marriage form at issue in this litigation.

The Governor's refusal to take elementary steps to protect religious liberty landed Kim Davis in jail. As a prisoner of her conscience, Davis has continually requested a simple accommodation and exemption from the Governor.

Liberty Counsel also filed an appeal at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding Judge Bunning's Contempt Order. The appeal was to the verbal order, as Judge Bunning had not issued a written Contempt Order.

Liberty Counsel's team of attorneys is pursuing all legal means to find solutions to the problems created for Kim and other public servants nationwide by the Supreme Court's ruling.

Right now, the Liberty Counsel legal team has similar cases underway in Arkansas and North Carolina, while we are investigating a number of others. Because of our work on Kim Davis' case, we are inundated with requests for help. But we can only engage these cases as we are enabled by friends like you. You make our work possible with your tax deductible gifts and generosity! Please, continue helping us represent Kim and many others...


Thank you, as always, for your generous support!

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Again, thank you for your tremendous support on behalf of Kim Davis and others Liberty Counsel is representing.

Please continue in prayer for Kim, the work of Liberty Counsel, and for the other public servants who are facing severe penalties and ultimatums while standing for liberty. Watch for our continuing updates on these developing cases.

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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