组织新名单 the gifted in fremont
戎-100094 07/27 126134.0/1
I want to begin by thanking you all who volunteered to come on board. We were able to fulfill very important and urgent board positions. We managed to find
- Deepa (VP of Programs)
- Joyce (Treasurer)
- Preethi (Events Chair),
- Sridevi (Auditor).
In addition to this, we were able to get many high school volunteers.
- Brandon, (Chair of Publicity)
- Tannavee (Chair of Debate team)
- Shrey (Chair of Eco Club)
- Prachi (Chair of High School Social)
- Tannavee (Chair of Quiz Bowl)
- Tejas (Chair of GATEWorks)
- Bhavana (Chair of Bio club)
- Yash (Chair of Computer programming)
We have a very good team of support volunteers for our High School children as well:
- Anagha
- Ronuk
- Puloma
- Udyaan
- Sanjana
- Vignesh
- Rishabh
- Shreeya
Now that we have a very good team, we are working on some very good programs like:
(Free Programs or Events), This is still work in progress. More programs will be added as they get confirmed.
- Debate for Elementary and junior high students
- Quiz Bowl for Elementary and Junior High students
- Bio Club for all age groups
- High School TGIF Socialfor High School students
- Computer Programmingfor Elementary and Junior High students
- Yoga for All Ages (including parents)
- Eco Club for all age group of children
- Photographyfor Elementary and Junior High students
- Financial planning for Junior High and High School students
- Youth leadership Program (public speaking) for Elementary and Junior High students
- Renewable energyfor Elementary and Junior High students
- Carrier day for All * (Please see comments)
- Cords for Elementary Students
- Art with Sharpie for all grades
- Art of wood burning for all grades
- When being smart is hard: working with Gifted children Adults
- Odyssey of mind for Elementary and Junior High** (Please see comments)
- TGIF member Social for all the TGIF members (planned for October)
- Many parent workshops.
(Paid or reduced price programs)
- Logic and Problem Solvingfor Elementary students
- Creative Writing for Elementary students
There are many field trips planning on the work as well.
- Exploratorium,
- History Museum,
- Tech Museum,
- Marine Science Institute, and many more
* We need more speakers for this program. Please volunteer or spread the word around so that we can offer our children more information about many more careers. If you have missed the previous email about career day and would like to know more about it, please emailvp_programs@giftedinfremont.org orpresident@giftedinfremont.org
** This program is only possible if we have volunteers or mentors for students (one mentor per 5 students). We would love to bring this program for all the children, specially for those children whose schools do not offer it. More information on the program can be found at http://svomer.org/
At this point I would like to invite you to renew your membershipand make use of of these amazing programs from our volunteers. You need to be TGIF member to attend any of these workshops. Your membership will help us bring more better focused programs. If you know somebody who has a identified gifted child in FUSD but has never become a TGIF member tell them about us. They can still join. They will need the security code. They can get that by writing to me or by writing tovp_membership@giftedinfremont.org .
Also, If you could volunteer to chair or help out in any of the programs or would like to bring in more programs, please contact Deepa atvp_programs@giftedinfremont.org or me.
We would also like to hear from you: what kinds of programs excite you and your child. Did we miss out on some category? Would you like to see some more programs? We are open for suggestions and recommendations.
Thank you
TGIF Volunteers.