
parental rights-1260  08/17   6416  

Please help and get involve for the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act Bill C-36(请愿签字处):http://joysmith.ca/main.asp?fxoid=FXMenu,10&cat_ID=27&sub_ID=135
Here is a link showing you the timeline for the bill(法案通过时间表): http://www.joysmith.ca/main.asp?fxoid=FXMenu,10&cat_ID=27&sub_ID=135&sub2_ID=91
We have just passed committee and will be at the 1st reporting stage

Here is a link explaining the different stages (不同阶段的阐述): http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/Education/OurCountryOurParliament/html_booklet/how-government-turns-good-idea-law-e.html.We.We have just passed committee and will be at the 1st reporting stage

The bill will be seen by the house of commons two more times(已经在众议院提交两次), so this petition is still applicable(仍然可行). It is very important/effective for people to send letters to their MP’s.  Encourage people filling out the form to Peter Mackay, Minister of Justice, Joy Smith and their MPs  online through this link:http://ca.100huntley.com/support-c36

There are postcards for this issue, you can ask people to sign and mail it without any postage required.  Tell us if you need some.

Thank you and God bless