Reflecting on Revelation 22:6-21

Karen-102804  05/05   4439  

Reflection on Revelation 22:6-21

John shows us the glorious concluding image of the renewed heaven and earth in Revelation 21and 22, a vision of a creation completely restored to its original goodness, a picture of restored unity and harmony between the Creator and what he has created. It seems too good to be true. But a mighty angel confirms, "These words are trustworthy and true." "Trustworthy and true" are the words used to describe the Lord Jesus. Jesus' words are like Jesus Himself, trustworthy and true. The living Word of God assures the truthfulness of the written Word of God. John wrote the book of Revelation, but these trustworthy and true words come from God. "The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show His servants the things that must soon take place." God's Holy Spirit is the source of every word.

Now Jesus Himself announces, "Behold, I am coming soon!" Jesus does not speak of His return to satisfy our curiotity about a cosmic timetable, but to embolden and inspire all who love Him. "Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." As the deep joy of Jesus' return takes hold of us, we will find new passion to live a holy life. The right way to await His return is to be alert and active in His service. In every area of our life, prudent planning should not focus on one year, ten year or hundreds of year, but on eternity. Those who treasure this prophecy order their lives according to its truth. They may suffer pressure or persecution, but Jesus blesses them with unshakable hope.

John was overwhelmed when he heard the voice of Jesus. He fell at the feet of the angel in worship. This is the second time he made this kind of mistake. The angel's rebuke was immediate, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!" The angel's rebuke was not only for John, but for God's servants today. God alone is to be worshipped. Worship is not a performance, nor should we ever idolize or worship the messenger. Worship belongs only to the worthy One to whom the message points.

John received another command, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near." The Lord's return is near. It is so dangerous to assume you can afford to put off understanding this prophecy or repent at a later date. The angel warns, "Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." Unless people repent, what is true of them remains true. Ultimately, people live out who they are inside. Those determined to do what is wrong will do wrong. Sin gets darker. But the day comes when the outcome of their lives is settled and final. Only repentance and faith in Jesus can bring lasting transformation. Only the Holy Spirit gives new desires for holiness and new strength to do right. 

For a second time, the Lord announced, "Behold, I am coming soon!" Jesus will return with His reward and "give to everyone according to what he has done." Believers, saved by grace and dependent on it, are able to live for God's glory and be rewarded when our works are taken into account. Our works done in His name do matter. As "the Alpha and the Omega", He knows all things and will reward accordingly. He is "the First and the Last," so He is able to make all things right and fulfill every promise at "the last." Ultimately, Jesus Himself is His people's greatest reward. In this sense, the "First" and "last" do not mean time. They are the same matchless person of Jesus. He holds time and eternity and His people in His powerful hands.

Who are the ones in His hands? We are told, "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city." To wash your robes means to accept the grace of God in forgiveness of sin. This powerful cleansing comes only through the atoning death of the Lamb of God on the cross. Please do not think that you need a clean robe to start with. You first respond to the call for repentance, then Jesus does the cleansing after you have responded. People who refuse to answer God's call for repentance will not enter the eternal city of God. They are called "dogs," refering to "those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Their behavior proves that they do not want any part of the new heaven and new earth. They prefer falsehood more than the trustworthy and true Word. That is why they are kept outside.

Jesue again affims He is the source of this prophecy. "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches." This amazing book is not only for the benefit of "the seven churches in the province of Asia,"  but also for His people in every time and place. Jesus proclaims Himself "the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Jesus is David's physical offspring, coming through the royal lineage of David. But He is also David's root, who gave David life. When Jesus first came to the fallen world, He was born as a baby from David's descendants, when He comes again, the birth of new heaven and earth will accompany Him, and He will give resurrected eternal life to all believers.

The desire of the Holy Spirit and the bride who is the Church for Jesus to return pours out in one word, "Come!" The yearning that the Spirit and the Church express for Jesus also invites the whole world to turn to their Lord. The rooftop cry "Come" calls all people everywhere to repent and place their faith in the Savior, who is trustworthy and true. People who answer the call are asked to add their voices, "Come!" The spiritual thirst ones are the people who wish to "take the free gift of the water of life." The Holy Spirit works behind the Church to equip every believers to extend Jesus' invitation to "Come" with love and urgency. 

Revelation begins with an offer of blessing to all who read it. Now, at the conclusion, people are strongly warned against adding or taking away from the words of the prophecy. The Bible is God's living Word speaking to all people. It is authentic and complete in its life-giving authority over all. This warning is not meant to detract from the blessing of this book, but to preserve it. God's Words draw His people to Himself to build relationship. Man's words make religions to keep people's heart in darkness, in falsehood and lies.

When we look at God's calendar, there is only one major event left: the second coming of Jesus Christ. That is it! The new heaven and earth will be born at the same time. Though the "labor pains" of end-time events can be fascinating, but do not be obsessed with the nature, strength, and frequency of the birth pangs when we should be thinking about the baby! We must give due attention to the new world to be born out of them and the One who is coming. For the third time in this chapter, Jesus announces that He is coming soon. "Yes I am coming soon." Jesus testifies His return is certain and imminent. John, as the representative of all belivers, answers to Jesus' triple announcement, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus." This is an excited shout and a prayer of great joy from all His people, at anytime, at everywhere.

The last verse reminds us Revelation is a letter, a love letter from a loving God to His beloved people. "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen." The word grace appears only in the introduction and close of Revelation, but the concept underlies the whole book. Grace describes the work of God in this book and entire Bible, and in the world the Lamb came to seek and to save. The Lamb is coming again in His grace to restore creations completely to their perfect goodness. Grace is what we need the most. Today is the day of grace. But soon it will not. God will not overlook rebellion against Him. It is dangerous to turn a deaf ear to God's Word. Answer His gracious call to "Come".

Human history is not endless, meaningless cycles, nor will it simply fade away. Jesus Christ Himself stands at the beginning and the end of time to make history His Story. Our own life stories have unique places in His Story. Do we live our life from this prospective?