Reflection on Revelation 1

Karen-102804  01/13   7593  

Study note on Revelation:1

If you are being ask to share one verse from Bible, which one you are going to pick? I know exactly which one I am going to choose: John 3:16.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
We probably are quite familiar with this one verse. So when I read Revelation 1 and find a similar verse, I am a little shocked by the fact that I did not find it early. Revelation 1: 5b to 6
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father, to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
The first chapter of Revelation is talking about Jesus who loves us so much, freed us(past tense) from our sins by his blood,  transforms our lives to serve as priests to God the Father. This is gospel. We can use Revelation to share gospel to unbelievers. This is the first time I realize this. I knew that the whole Bible and every single book in Bible can be used to share gospel. I'm convinced now.
When we share gospel with others, we must tell them that the purpose God saves us is to serve Him. God gives us an amazing privilege to speak on His behalf and represent Him to others. We communicate the gospel to those who have not yet receive God's salvation. We extend God's mercy and compassion to people in need. We teach othets what God has taught us. We represent people before God as we intercede in prayer. Those things are our duties as His priests. Please check our daily duties or chores to see if they match our calling as priests.
God calls us to serve Him, to be His priests. He equips and encourages us as His representatives through His Word. We need to read the Word and rely on Him daily. This is the only possible way to do our service.