Reflection on Revelation 3 #2

Karen-102804  01/13   4977  

I finished studying the letters to the seven churches in Revelation today. The letters to the last two churches, Philadelphia and Laodicea, offer stark contrast. The church in Philadelphia received the commendation for its steadfast faith in the midst of a community that despised them. The church in Laodicea earned the LORD's rebuke for being lukewarm, a complacent and apathetic community. 
The LORD set before the Philadelphia church an open door no one could shut. Jesus opens the door of heaven for even the weakest beliver who has little strength but trusts in Him. Jesus promised the Philadelphians that one day their persecutors would fall at their feet and acknowledge Jesus' love for His people. He sovereignly and personally preserves His people in their suffering.
At Laodicea, the LORD stood at the church door and asked to be admitted. Jesus promised restored  intimacy if the door opened to Him. The LORD intends to be central in His people's lives.
Jesus reassured the Laodicean church His rebuke was evidence of His love. The picture of Him standing at the door knocking demonstrates His relentless pursuit of His people's heart.
What are your heart chasing after? I know my wishing list could be a catalog with infinite pages. Could this also be true for you? But do you see that everything this world offers will rust, wilt or decay. In the end, none of them will offer satisfaction and peace to your hungry and thirsty soul.
The LORD calls you to turn your back on lesser attractions, to fight and defeat the pressures of the world and the sin that remains within you. He delights to restore the repentant. He is able to
change even deeply engrained patterns of sin. He can take someone who repents from the lowest depth to the highest heights. And He does not allow you to value this world's tinsel more than eternity' treasure. He will definitely not be satisfied with a casual, compromised relationship with you. He wants to remain as your first love forever.
The LORD gives great promises to those who depend on Him and His power to be victorious. He reprimanded Laodicea more harshly than any church. But I noticed that He gave this church the greatest promise, to sit with Him on His throne. This is an unimaginable privilege.
Can you picture yourself to sit with the LORD on His throne? It is not the naturally strong or self-sufficient who share in the LORD's future reign. The LORD made this promise to all who hear His voice and turn to Him.
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Revelation2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22.
This verse repeats seven times.