Reflection on Revelation 2

Karen-102804  01/13   5633  

My husband and I visited Turkey with some brothers and sisters in May. We went to the geographic sites where seven churches mentioned in Revelation were located. When the LORD instructed John to write letters to those seven churches, they were probably gathering places or house churches for believers. The church buildings or ruins we saw today are very likely built later.
Even though there is no where to trace the seven churches' buildings, we must keep in mind that God builds His Church in believers' hearts, which is the body of Christ, which stands forever.
However, my Turkey tour does help me to grip more real sense what the letters to the seven churches talk about.
First I realized that they are down to earth real letters to seven real churches. Those churches faced external pressure to compromise with the world and internal pressure to compromise biblical truth. Likely, we face pressure from others around us and pressure from sinful nature within us. They were afraid not being able to overcome. We have the same fear for ourselves or for our loved ones. But when I read the letters, I'm so encouraged by the fact that Jesus knew their struggle as churches and individuals. The LORD spoke the words "I know" to each church. He intimately knows all actions and read the innermost depths of all hearts. He speaks words of affirmation to our commendable deeds, hard work, perseverance, .... He speak words of challenge   to our condemnable aspects, for example, forsaken the love we had at first. The letters reflect real situations, call for real repentance. The LORD walks among the churches , trimming the wicks of some of the lamps where needed and feeding others with the oil of his grace. In the same way, the Holy Spirit in our hearts is doing the similar thing to forge us to be more and more His likeness using the tool of His Word, under the conditions of this fallen world and our dark desires.
Jesus calls us to hear what the Spirit says to the churches in all seven letters. This repetition speaks the importance of this appeal. The call is for spiritual listening and an obedient heart to motivate righteous actions. It is our responsibility to response to the LORD's call.
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." Rev.2:7
"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Tho one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death." Rev2:11
Do you desire the right from the creator of heaven and earth to access to "the tree of life"? God barred the access to this tree when sin first entered the world in Genesis. Now , in Revelation, the final book of Bible, the LORD promises access to the tree of life to those who overcome sin by His blood and power.
The first death, phisical death, is not man's most dreadful threat. The second death introduces a soul into eternal punishment. Belivers in Jesus will not experience the second death. He promised. Are you comforted?