【3/11/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  03/27   1896  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 3/11/2017

Our toastmaster Julie kicked off the meeting. This week’s table table was led by Fei P., and the theme is Spring is in the Air.

Speaker1- Kerry 

 Kerry - Icebreaker Speech. Listening to Kerry’s ice breaker speech felt like watching a stand up comedy performance, he told one funny disastrous story after another, most centered on his own life experience. Kerry has kept the audience engaged and laughing the whole time, he has definitely raised the bar much higher for both kids and adults now. 

 Speaker2 -Fei

Fei - Do What you Love. Fei went on a journey looking for her passion, luckily she found it after years of search, at a place she least expected. 

 Evaluators - 



 Table topic - 

This week’s table table was led by Fei P.

Functionary roles -

General Evaluator: Haiwen

Pledge And Inspiration: Michael

JokeMaster: Brandon

Timer: Eddie

Ah Counter: Michael

Grammarian: Suri

Quizmaster: Ryan

Awards -

Better speaker: Kerry

Better evaluator: Katherine

Better table topic: Alexis, Jin

Have a wonderful spring break!