【3/25/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【图片】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  03/27   1646  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 3/25/2017

Today marks the 10th meeting since the inception of the Hope Toastmaster club, also on this exciting day, we have enrolled just enough members to charter our club! Thanks to our members and officers’ tireless recruiting effort, we reached this significant milestone within such a short period of time!

Speaker1- Joe

Joe - Icebreaker Speech. Joe’s ice breaker speech was humble, honest and funny. His conversational style won the audience’s hearts. 

 Speaker2 - Kaitlyn

Icebreaker Speech. Dogs and kids make the best friends. Kaitlyn introduced her best friend/family pet to us. She was well-prepared, brave, confident, great job with the first speech! 

 Evaluators - Bill & Andrew 

 Table topic -

This week’s table table was led by Jack, and the theme is March Madness. Jack prepared plenty questions from different perspectives to suit various speaker interests.

Functionary roles -

General Evaluator: Jennifer

Pledge And Inspiration: Michael

JokeMaster: Suri

Timer: Alexis

Ah Counter: Kevin

Grammarian: Ella

Quizmaster: Kate

Awards -

Better speaker: Joe

Better evaluator: Bill

Better table topic: Jason, Ryan

It takes 21 days to form a habit. At the 10th week of toastmaster meeting, we hope attending and participating in a toastmaster meeting has become a habit for you, and the thought of standing up and making a short a speech gets you excited.