【2/25/2017】Recap of Hope Toastmasters Meeting【视频】

Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  02/27   3216  

Hope Toastmaster Meeting Recap 2/25/2017

Today’s meeting was kicked off by Wendy, followed by toastmaster Adam. The theme was movies, it’s not a coincidence that Oscar 2017 is this Sunday.

Speaker1   Jessie 

Jessie - Icebreaker Speech. Kids have surprised us with their outstanding speeches the past few weeks. Jessie has definitely raised the bar a little higher. At a young age of nine, Jessie was calm, articulate, and confident, we look forward to more speeches from her. 

 Speaker2 Wendy

Wendy - “Shopping for husband”. It’s time for Wendy to get a husband, with so many options on the market, which one would she choose? You will have to listen to her speech to find out. Wendy introduced this new format of speech - tall tale to us, the story related unbelievable elements as if it were true. Wendy is an experienced speaker, she engaged the whole audience with the interesting storyline.

Evaluators -



Table topic -

This week’s table table was led by Fei, we discussed all aspects of movies. 

Functionary roles -

General Evaluator: Jennifer

Pledge And Inspiration: Claire

JokeMaster: Ryan

Timer: Eddie

Ah Counter: Michael

Grammarian: Jack

Quizmaster: Kate

Awards -

Better speaker: Jessie

Better evaluator: Lily

Better table topic: Shimin, Ryan, Claire and Alexis

“Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache; here’s to the mess we make.” - La La Land

Wish you have your dream, stay focused and work hard for it!