捍卫华人利益–Lift up our community and fight to end discrimination

一朵浪花-2543  10/18   4410  

标题是我加的, 我的理解。 
 我没有问Lindy.但我知道我儿子是接受民主党理念, 照顾disadvanaged. 
他读finance, 他非常感兴趣的一个联合国项目,就是怎么做小额贷款,帮助disadvanged。 
前不久,共和党辩论,我儿子看完了。 他对他们评价不高。我说服不了他投共和党。
 我们应该理解支持年轻人, 真的不要说什么, "选择了民主党,就背叛了华裔利益"。 
拜托, 我儿子选择民主党,没有背叛我的利益。 他充满了爱心,关怀disadvanged, 愿意为他们做事情,我支持他。(我儿子没有兴趣从政,他要从商)。
 我们天天因为Lindy 加入民主党,就不支持她,并且说什么无耻背叛,汪精卫,吴三桂,民猪,,。 
我们和民主党开战,说他们是万恶之源。 我们和所有华裔民主党民选官员开战,说他们是叛徒,出卖华人利益。
我们和拉丁裔,非裔,,现在又加上自己的第二代, 我们就不能够更理性平和些吗?

Lindy 的很多政见,是好的。 并不是极端的。我上面有一文收集,以后会更详细分析。

A personal message FROM Lindy Li :

Dear friends,
Many heartfelt thanks for your love and support. Look how far we've come in just a few months through hard work and sheer determination. This whole campaign started because a young woman had a lifelong dream and was willing to pour her heart and soul into making it a reality. Now we're on the national stage and are beginning to show the rest of the country just how strong, beautiful, and vibrant the Chinese-American community can be when we stand united.

Because of your undying support, we've raised over a quarter of a million dollars without any hired staff, though in order to reach the $1 million mark, we will bring on professionals who will complement our own remarkable efforts.

Thank you for believing in me. One thing's for sure: you couldn't have found anyone who will work harder to ensure that your children's futures are as limitless as possible. I am determined to lift up our entire community through my campaign and my lifetime of public service. We need public servants who realize that China is not the enemy, will fight to end workplace and academic discrimination, make college more affordable, and finally give our long-silent community a voice on the national level. Not only can we be scientists, lawyers, engineers, and doctors, but we can also be political leaders and have a seat at the decision-making table in Congress.

Thank you so much for being my friend and for sharing this historic and unprecedented journey with me. I hold you in my heart wherever I go.
