
郭崇亮-102142  09/24   11805  

如果你對 Jane Kim 的租客保護法2.0 的成立感到不滿或者絕望,你願意把你的聲音給市長嗎? 請各位用簡短的語言表示你的不滿。 
我不想出租了 ( I am not going to rent my unit any more.  please vote no on Eviction Protection 2.0  ) 
我要退出 rental market. , please vote no Eviction Protections 2.0.  然後,你的原因
Mayor's Office
City Hall,  Room 200,
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: (415) 554-6141
Fax: (415) 554-6160
Email: mayoredwinlee@sfgov.org, jeff.buckley@sfgov.org   
如果不懂英文的朋友,可以 copy 以下的
Dear Mayor Ed Lee,  
Please veto Eviction Protection 2.0. We need to solve day-to-day problems using communication and good intentions, not additional legislation to smack the good landlords out of existence.  
Thank you 
Your name XXX , zip code 94xxx