Please say “NO” to Kim’s proposal.

郭崇亮-102142  09/20   6330  

Dear Mayor Ed Lee and Supervisors,

We strongly urge you tooppose Supervisor Jane Kim’s rent ordinance amendments, the so-called “Eviction Protection 2.0. ”  The relentless “Salem witch hunt” on the majority of well-meaning housing providers has to stop; it is destroying our housing economy!   It’s time to turn the wheel and legislate fairly and constructively to encourage housing providers to loosen the rental market, as Mayor Ed Lee has done to encourage tech businesses to stay in San Francisco.

Ms. Kim’s proposal rides on sensationalizing unfair public resentment toward housing providers. It will further endanger the most vulnerable of our communities, the desperate mom & pop owners who are struggling to stay afloat with limited income by sharing intimate living spaces with strangers and the low-income newcomers who are driven to undesirable living environments.  Attached please find the true picture of the struggles that well-meaning mom and pop housing providers have been enduring due to the ongoing destructive housing policies in San Francisco, especially over the last two decades.

Please say “NO” to Kim’s proposal.