No 租霸保护法 EvictionProtection2.0

郭崇亮-102142  09/18   8248  

反对金贞贤的Eviction Protection 2.0,因为该法允许:1)租客可以不经过允许而让roommates进来住,可以达到每房2个人的人口数目,而业主不可以加租(只可以通过繁复的费用分摊来向租客索取额外的水电煤费用)。2)不允许拆除非法单位,必须先进行合法化。3)要驱逐违规租客,必须繁复地证明租客有做重复和严重的滋扰。很苛刻。

Dear Supervisors Cohen, Kim and Wiener,

Thank you for your time on last Monday - the 6 hours was very long for everyone. We appreciate your time. I also appreciate the time from all those who came from both sides of the issue - many folks took the time off from work and re-arranged child care to be at City Hall.  I am especially proud that two dozens of folks who spoke in Chinese were the first timer in making a public comment!

One of the speakers for the policy commented that this group of landlords is all about "Poor Me, Poor Me".  Yes, on one hand, I totally agree with her, that we are a fortunate bunch, fortunate enough to own something, even though the mortgages are humongous and will drain the whole family for another two or three decades, we are grateful that we could qualify and have a mortgage.  On the other hand, viewing the testimonies from the level of City's policy making, I feel there is a truth to all about "poor me", that it is all about these earnest, small little mom & pop shop landlords. Here is why:

Watching the testimonies from both sides, I found those who testified are all honest people - this is a revelation that I never had - the bad actors won't dare to show up.  Everyone was telling the truth, the renters have their hardship and worry about being evicted by speculators one day; the earnest landlords have their stress and they have been plagued by rent scammers.  But the group who showed up were neither rent scammers nor speculators.  Landlords are not Speculators, just like Renters are not Rent Scammers. Rent Scammers pray on Landlords, but when the honest landlords die out, Speculators swoop in, and the honest Renters have to go. That's why eviction rate goes up. Rent Scammers are a real problem, so are Speculators. It may be another day to ask why there are so many rent scammers, but for now,protecting honest landlords like extinct species would work to the best interests of honest renters.

Monday's session was like showing the aftermath of Titanic, lifeboats were out there at full capacity, but survivors were in the water competing to swim up and climb onto the lifeboats. Lifeboats tilted and flipped, one by one, those in the boat are now in the water together with those who wanted to be saved.  Renters need help, but landlords are sending out stress signals that they are about to sink.  They are saying they can't do this any longer, they need help too.  When these small property owners go down, more good renters would go down together.

Do you see the same sad ending as I do?  What can we do to halt the pessimistic future?  It eats my heart.

I think making sure these good landlords can survive is the number one issue, and at the mean time, deploy more lifeboats -give reasons for small landlords to continue to operate and open up their closed down units. Halt the passing of further legislation, and streamline existing mechanism - make passthru easier, increase the pathetic 1.9% rent increase, make it easier to remove rent scammers and keep the unit in stock (instead of having to close down forever when encountering a rent scammer or bad renter. Give us a way to control the quality of roommates, flooding in unauthorized tenants, would be intruding and devastating to us and our families who also have specific needs on whom we want to be around.  We are as human as good renters.

You and I all have the best intention in mind - you are serving the good renters in the policy level, we are in the day-to-day level, making sure they are happy and taken care of.  We want nothing but the best for our housemates.  Please help us to help you.
