How to run a small technology transfer office and keep a positive cash flow
user3259-3259 11/25 4667MATTO Seminar:
How to run a small technology transfer office and keep a positive cash flow
December 12, 2018 3:30pm-5:00 pm
Seminar Location:
Havana room
5th floor, CIC (Cambridge Innovation Center) One Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142
December 12, 2018
3:30 - 4:00 PM Refreshments and Networking
4:00 - 5:00 PM. Discussion
Upcoming Event:
MATTO New Ventures Showcase 2018
When: November 28, 2018 1:00-6:30pm
Where: The UMass Club, One Beacon Street, 32nd Floor, Boston
Two weeks left to register!
Featuring spin-offs from Massachusetts research institutions:
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Brandeis University, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard University, MIT, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Wyss Institute.
Dear MATTO members,
You are invited to a MATTO seminar on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 3:30pm-5pm:
"How to run a small technology transfer office and keep a positive cash flow"
The seminar will take place in the Havana room, 5th Floor, CIC, One Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142
Todd Keiller, Director, Intellectual Property and Innovation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rebecca Menapace, Associate Provost for Innovation, Executive Director of the Office Technology Licensing and the Hassenfeld Family Innovation Center, Brandeis University
Jason Wen, Director, Office of Technology Transfer & Licensing, Boston College
The panelists will share their extensive experiences from three different academic tech transfer offices in the following areas:
How to do all the essential tasks with limited personnel and resources;
How to grow a small office with part-time professionals and how to hire the right licensing associate;
How to manage your cash flow by reducing patent costs and increasing licensing revenue;
How to take advantage of internships, fellowships, and volunteers from business school, law school, and other scientific departments or from other universities and industries;
How to take advantage of the benefits of being a small office;
And more practical strategies and advice.
The seminar is free but you have to register on this link
Register button
Refreshments and Networking at 3:30 - 4:00 PM.
Discussion 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Seminar Organizer: Jason Wen, Boston College
Todd Keiller
As Director of Intellectual Property and Innovation, a position he's held since 2011, Todd Keiller manages the WPI patent portfolio and is the lead in licensing technology to existing companies or startups in order to move it on a commercial pathway. Additionally, he has developed a vibrant licensing program, revised the university's intellectual property policy, and initiated several organizations on campus, including the WPI Accelerator Fund, Tech Advisors Network IP Evaluation Group, WP National Academy of Inventors Chapter, and the WPI I-Corps Site program.
Todd has launched or has been a member of the founders of several companies in his career. He has previously served as Vice President Ventures at Brigham and Women's Hospital, founded the University of Vermont Office of Technology Commercialization, and is currently a Board member of the Maine Center for Entrepreneurs.
Todd earned his AB at Dartmouth College and an MBA at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business Administration.
Rebecca Menapace
Rebecca Menapace, MBA, CLP is the Associate Provost for Innovation, the Executive Director of the Office of Technology Licensing and the Executive of the Hassenfeld Family Innovation Center at Brandeis University. She is responsible for advancing the university's academic mission of research excellence by pursuing strategic industry partnerships in a highly competitive business and academic environment. She actively supports science faculty, undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in commercializing their discoveries for the public benefit, and provides leadership and management for all of Brandeis's intellectual property, start-ups and technologies. Rebecca also serves on the board of director's at Quad Technologies, as a judge and mentor for MassChallenge, and is a frequent guest lecturer.
Prior to Brandeis, Rebecca spent 12 years with Partners Healthcare as the Director of Research Ventures and Licensing, leading all intellectual property, licensing and start-up development for Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She has also worked in corporate development, product management, applications engineering and research for a number of Boston-area biotechnology companies.
Rebecca is a registered Patent Agent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is a named inventor on two U.S. patents. She earned her Master's in Business Administration from the Northeastern University High Tech MBA Program and a Bachelor of Arts in Biology with a concentration in Chemistry from SUNY College at Oswego.
Jason Wen
Director of Technology Transfer & Licensing at Boston College, who significantly developed BC's Office of Technology Transfer & Licensing. Since Dr. Wen came on board in December 2012, he turned the Office's many years' negative cash flow into positive cash flow for consecutive six fiscal years. Jason has a strong background combing experience in Life Science, Business and Patent Law. He has nearly twenty years of technology development experiences in the field of technology transfer/licensing with academic institutions and a biopharmaceutical company. Prior to his current assignment Jason worked in the Office of Technology Transfer at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as an Assistant Director for about nine years.
As a former Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Wen has more than ten years scientific research experience with a high level of knowledge in biomedical science. He graduated from Nankai University in China and holds a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology, a MBA degree from University of Richmond, and completed one year of law school studies in a J.D. program. Dr. Wen is a long time member of the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) and the Licensing Executives Society (LES). He was among the first who earned the Certified Licensing Professional (CLP) credential, served as a CLP Exam Development Committee member and AUTM International Professional Development Committee member, and is also a Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP). As a United State Patent and Trademark Office Registered Patent Agent, Dr. Wen has extensive experience in patent application and prosecution. Also, he teaches related courses at Boston College Law School and Business School.
Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center
UMass President's Office
One Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
MTTC is based at UMass and facilitates technology transfer from all research institutions, public and private, in the Commonwealth. The Center is financially supported by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center, UMass President's Office, One Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108
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