Looking for Webmaster, Newton, Massachusetts

user3259-3259  06/25   18982  

From: pei@autismcarenow.com
Job Description:
Autism Care is an online resource company specialized to meet the needs of the autism community, providing information on special needs physicians, caregivers, and schools. 

Webmaster is a long-term position for Autism Care, Inc. You may turn a contract to part-time or full-time job, if we see the results through your website management efforts. 

Responsible for maintaining websites. Ensure sites are functioning properly and are available to users. Tests speed of access and improves upon loading speed. 

The first project will be Upload/test database and integrate with Search results, Listing data and Registration 
Maintain websites for clients and businesses. 
Generate and revise web pages. 
Examine and analyze site traffic. 
Utilize scripting languages such as Javascript. 
Serve as the server administrator. 
Regulate and manage access rights of different users on website. 
Create and modify appearance and setting of site. 
Lay out content on web pages. 
Deal with and respond to heavy volumes of email. 
Test websites to see if there are any parts that are difficult to use. 
Meet with designers to agree on site's design. 
Fix links that don't work and pictures that aren't appearing properly. 
Decide how site's content will be delivered to the Internet. 
Keep files small so sites load faster. 
Test different browsers and ensure people with different computers can access a website.
BA or above in computer science/software engineering, and has hands-on experience in Web site management. 
- User interface development 
- Employing design principles to create effective web pages 
- Building/modifying templates for content management systems 
- Programming/coding in languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and iQuery 
- Server technologies such as Servlets, SQL and Web Services 
- Graphic design tools such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop...
If interested, please contact: pei@autismcarenow.com