A Strong Press Release from 80-20

anonymous-114  07/23   16200  



Contact person: S. B. Woo 302-366-0259 
Subject: Why the U.S. Media Treats Sterling & Beckel so Differently?

80-20 PAC, by far the largest Asian Am. political action committee, announced today that it shall unite with all organizations, elected officials and individuals to help achieve the goal of getting Robert Beckel fired by Fox. Beckel stated on  Fox TV “The Five” on 7/10/2014: 
          “The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national  security of the U.S.,” and used a “C word”.

Click here to hear his racist, xenophobic statement, expressed with such hateful body language and hand gestures. He seems bent on inciting a race war against the Chinese people.

Just several months ago, ABC reviewed a taped Jimmy Kimmel segment during which a kid blurted out “kill all Chinese” and let it air? Will ABC do the same, if  the word “Chinese” was replaced by Blacks or Jews? Now Beckel, as a news analyst, publicly stated the above.

The Chinese American community is determined to stop such statements against us, once and for all. Otherwise, we’ll be like the Jews in Nazi Germany who eventually faced a very hostile home community.

S. B. Woo, 80-20 President & former Lt. Governor of Delaware says, “We are fully aware that the U.S. is not Nazi Germany. On the other hand, if such statements can come against us again and again without severe repercussions to the offender, then the Chinese- and perhaps East-Asian-Americans will suffer 
psychologically, physically and career wise.”

Clipper's owner Donald Sterling was banned from NBA for life and forced to sell the team for his racial slur against blacks in a private conversation. 

In comparison, Beckel called all people of Chinese descent “the single biggest threat to the national security of the US” and used a “C word” in a public broadcast! ” Why is our media so quiet on Beckel?” Woo asks. “Where are the Asian Am. journalists, for heaven’s sake?” [meaning those who work in the mainstream media. Added by SB Woo]

People of Chinese descent worldwide are watching how fair the media in U.S.A. is.  Is the U. S. media using double standard for different races? (The end)

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      How 80-20’s Call to Action & Press Release made a Difference!

     The community has really responded. Thanks to them, the following has occurred

1) The MSN poll on whether Bob Beckel should resign was losing by a 30% to 40% 2 nights ago. This morning it is leading by 59% to 26%. 
     Click on http://specials.msn.com/more-polls.aspx

2) After the press release, CNN got in touch with S. B. Woo.

3) Chinese American residing in China have already gotten in touch with S.B. 
     They are also reaching out to Chinese-Ams in Hong Kong and Macau. All of you can help reach people of Chinese descent internationally. 

     Help make this ugly anti-Chinese broadcast known INTERNATIONALLY.

     What else YOU can do!

A) Continue to send email to Roger Ailes, Pres. of Fox News via  roger.ailes@foxnews.com 
     and Comments@foxnews.com . Use your own words or state:

      “Subject: Fire Beckel or I’ll boycott Fox

       Fire Bob Beckel for the sake of ethnic harmony, 
       world peace and your own reputation. If you do, 

       I’ll remember and respect you for it. If you don’t, 
       I’ll stop watching FOX & choose CNN instead. 
                                  Your name, city, sate & TITLE.”

B) An CivilRights Wechat Group has set up a petition site: www.weidb.com/ptbeckel
     Please go sign up.

C) THANK all the orgs. and individuals who have responded to 80-20 Initiative’s call to together protect the life and liberty of Chinese Americans.


S. B. Woo, a volunteer 
President, 80-20 National Asian Am. Educational Foundation, Inc. 

FORWARD this e-newsletter and use social media please.