朱感生市议员对Bob Beckel种族主义言论进行批判

anonymous-114  07/15   11243  

今天,圣何塞的朱感生市议员对Bob Beckel的种族主义言论进行了批判。在新闻稿中,他表示,作为“中国佬”,他和所有美国的移民一道,呼吁Bob Beckel辞职并要求他就自己无耻的言论作出道歉。朱议员曾在去年的反ABC不当节目中与广大华人站在一起,呼吁ABC就杀光中国人的不当节目进行处理。

Councilmember Chu responds to Bob Beckel’s Racist Remarks

(San Jose, CA) – I came to the United States from Taiwan in 1976 seeking a better life in a country that promised a life free form hate, the opportunity to be innovative and work amongst other immigrants from different ethnic backgrounds. I have long admired the symbiosis created by immigrants in the United States. The broad categorization of the Chinese tech industry workers in the United States and China as ‘national security threats’ was as offensive and reminiscent of a time when groups of people were excluded from society in the United States because they looked different.

This is not the first time Fox news has allowed these types of comments to be said on air, to attack one immigrant group is to attack all immigrant groups. And attacking on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender, and language is never acceptable. As a Chinaman I stand with all immigrants in the United States calling for the resignation of Bob Beckel from Fox News and demand he apologize for his brazen words.