有关美国Fox电视台主持人Bob Beckel必須道歉并引咎辞职的声明

anonymous-114  07/16   11677  

【有关美国Fox电视台主持人Bob Beckel必須道歉并引咎辞职的声明】


针对日前FOX News Channel(FNC)时事谈话节目The Five主持人Bob Beckel在节目中公然发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬蔑言论,美國国会议员罗伊斯、趙美心,加州州参议员刘云平、Bob Huff,加州众议员周本立以及美国华裔民选官员协会会长劳朱嘉仪等,均发表明,要求Bob Beckel为此道歉,并引咎辞职。美國华裔社区为民选官员在维护华裔利益的关键时刻站出来,击掌叫好!




对此,我们华人社区乃至全球华人华侨必须团结一致,发出我们的吼声:(一)、美国是一个多族裔、多元文化的国家,华人是建设美国的有功之臣,绝 对不容忽視与歧视!(二)、媒体公众人物有言论的自由,但不能伤害其他族裔,尤其是华裔!(三)、中国是美国的友好邻邦,中、美建设「新型大国关系」,使 世界走向進一步繁荣穩定,是两国元首达成的共识,是美國乃至全球华人华侨的共同願望,决不允許个别人詆毀破坏!


我们要求Fox电视台对此做出解释,我们要求Bob Beckel为此道歉,并引咎辞职!我们热切呼吁在美的华人更加积极努力地融入、参与美国社会的各项事务建设,用我们斐然的成绩来证明我们是美国社会伟大 的族群,是美国社会不可或缺的中坚社区,是繁荣美国经济的重要力量,是促進世界和平的生力军。




Bob Beckel Must Apologize and Resign


Bob Beckel of Fox News’s “The Five,” recently made racist and discriminative comments about Chinese people. U.S. Congressman Ed Royce, California State Senator Ted Lieu, Congresswoman Judy Chu, Bob Huff of State Senate, California State Assembly Member Ed Chau and President of Chinese-American Elected Officials Polly Low request that Bob Beckel apologize for what he said and resign from his position. The Chinese communities are applauding the officials they elected for standing up at a crucial moment to safeguard the rights of Chinese Communities.


Three major television stations in the United States and their main topic columns have used racist and prejudicial languages to slander Chinese. From CNN in April of 2008 to ABC in last December, and now Fox News, they all choose to use discriminatory language toward Chinese.  It’s no accident. The problem behind the scene is that xenophobia towards Chinese still exists among Americans. 


In this regard, we must unite the Chinese communities here in America, as well as Chinese all over the world, make our voice heard loud and clear: (a) The United States is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural nation. Chinese here are the major contributors to the development of American society, we are not to be discriminated. (b) Public figures have the freedom of speech, but not to harm other ethnic groups. (c) It is the mutual wish and understanding of Chinese people and American people and their leaders to maintain and promote world peace and prosperity.  No one should attempt to destroy this.


We request that Fox News explain this in detail. We want to see Bob Beckel apologize and resign. We urge Chinese to actively participate in American current affairs, and use our achievements to show that we are one of the great communities. We are an integral part of the backbone of American society. We are an important force for the prosperity of the United States and the world.


The United States is a great country for us to pursue freedom, equality, democracy, and to defend dignity. Chinese community in the United States should be treated fairly and not be discriminated. It is our responsibility and obligation to safeguard Chinese interests and civil rights, to defend the dignity of Chinese nation, to pursue racial equality, and to promote world peace.



*Drafted by Weichi Sun, revised by Jun Chen, Jimmy Wang, Sher Li, translated by Liying Zheng


美国和全球各地中国侨联海外顾问、海外委员,中国海外交流协会常务理事、理事,中华海外联谊会常务理事、理事,中国和平统一促进会理事暨各国各 地华人华侨社团负责人联署:[美国南加州]陈军、王俭美、蔡成华、李社潮、周媄媄、程远、鹿強、张素久、顾衍时、苏彦韬、刘健民、黄惠珍、马树荣、巫锦 辉、李玉玲、张作波、余建强、吕诗澄、沈时康、林旭、应持荣、李日华、庄佩源、刘杨林、孙卫赤、周德昭、童志敏、白春生、杨辉、林光、庞飞、沈岗、李红、 廖中强、李立、郭颂、潘青青、杨逸凡、胡卓球、杨憬、王彦博、潘平微、陈国忠、邵闻、阎珂、李纲、张铁流、陆诚、孙耀宁、李兰萍、陈隆魁、胡巧敏、贺军 平、乌兰、陈靖、程华、于中霞、林文娇、卢威、李玉冲、施白榆、曹琳、[美国纽约]潘小丽、[美国亚利桑那]杨文田、[美国北加州]何孔华、戴錡、雷振 泽、李競芬、张立明、[美国西雅图]方伟侠、[美国亚特兰大]郑丽影、李雁翔、李斧、[美国芝加哥]胡晓军、[巴西]郭祖德、[冰岛]贾长文、[加拿大] 王家明、楊靜、赵慧泉、庞燕、蕭中健、曲涛、张菁、唐真菲、李云祥、[韩国]崔真豪、[乌克兰]林建清、[法国]陈世明、[希腊]周佩娟、李昂、[荷兰] 丁振芳、黃麒麟、余美玲、[墨西哥]周露、周缵方、[澳大利亚]钱启国、余俊武、杨东东、王然、杨志唯、林斌、韦组良、卞军、[秘鲁]魏云、[阿联酋] 琪、[瑞典]柳少惠、张定寿、[新西兰]黄世辉、[加纳]萧波、沈汉明、[西班牙]徐松华、周志文、倪晔敏、周延春[肯尼亚]徐晖、[匈牙利]郑乾 友、[泰国]鄺錦榮、[日本]赵云茜、[新加坡]刘律明 、[中國]陈钟林、[厄瓜多尔]徐涛 [意大利]吴锦泽 、金慧、[尼日利亚]钱国林、倪孟晓、[坦桑尼亚]黃子禪、[柬埔寨]胡金林、[塔吉克斯坦]韩东起

