
纽约代伟-102179  02/01   6317  

译制:Rebecca Tao,纽约代伟

【PART1】Advice From Jay Lin-Respectful Newly Elected City Council of John Creek, GA




3.进行D2D(Door to Door,挨门拜访)的最佳时间,是下午5时至9时。

4. 当人们不响应的时候千万不要气馁。经验法则是:第一次拜访后只有10%的选民将成为坚定的支持者;35%会表现出很友好;小于5%将会拒绝;还有50%可能不在家。





 *Original English Statement Following.

【PART2】Chen Gang & Campaign Team: How to knock on doors and campaign?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step :千里之行,始於足下。

1,按照行走名单(Walk List)上的地址敲门。 



4,当他们开门后,称呼他的名字,如“您是Tony吗?我是来帮陈钢竞选市长的,请问您可以投他的票吗?”。“他的名字是Gang,所以我们的竞选口号是Join our GANG for a better Irvine。这样您很容易记住他的名字”。如果他们问为什么,可以说陈钢的竞选要致力把尔湾建设成一流城市,他将提高我市的总体规划,缓解交通问题,促进教育和使尔湾在全球经济上更具竞争力。(也可以把宣传单上的竞选网站指给他们)。







**Original Statement From Jay Lin:

I'd like to urge all volunteers who will helping Mayor-to-be Chen to:    

1. Get familiar with Chen's platform and issues that he is running on. Just short bullet points so it demonstrates that you "Know" the candidate that you support.                                

2. Avoid engaging long conversation. Use "Gang Chen will be glad to stop by and speak with you and answer your question" to help open door for Gang.                                               

3. The best time to conduct D2D campaign is 5-9pm.

4. Do not be discouraged when people are not responding. Here is the rule of thumb: Only 10% of the voters will become solid supporter after the first visit. 35% will be cordial. Less than 5% will be negative 50% may not be home.                                             5. Use the standard script produced by campaign team and approved by Gang. Every volunteer who makes initial contact with potential voter represents Gang in every way. That said, we need to be polite and be professional. 
6. Volunteers who are not proficient in English may be able to help reaching out to minority voters.                                              7. If 5 of your friends and neighbors are extremely negative, congratulations! You've gotten your 5% negative voters out of the way. Find those 30% that will be open to look into Gang's platform.

How to knock on doors and campaign?


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (千里之行,始於足下).


1. We want to meet the voters face to face. So, the best time to do the door to door (D2D) campaign is when the voters are at home, such as 5:00pm to 9:00pm, Monday thru Friday, and 10:00am to 9:00pm on Saturday, and 2:00pm to 9:00pm on Sunday. Do not do it after 9:00pm because it is too late, and do not do it before 10:00 am because many people get up late in the weekend.

2. Only knock on the doors of the addresses on the walk list.

3. Check the walk list and read the names of the people and their party affiliation before you knock;

4. If people asked "Who is it?" The best answer to get them open the door is: "I am helping Gang Chen to run for Mayor."

5. When they open the door, call them by their first name,like "Is this Tony?"

"I am helping Gang Chen to run for the Mayor of Irvine, please vote for him on November 8th.

"His first name is Gang, so our campaign slogan is: Join our Gang for a better Irvine.  This will help you remember his name."

If they ask why, then just say: "Gang Chen's vision is to make Irvine a first-class city but still maintains its family ranch root and feelings. He will improve the city's overall planning, work to alleviate traffic problems, improve education and make Irvine more competitive in a global economic. You can go to our website, GangChenUSA.com for details."  (You can also point to the website address on the flyer)


"If you can change one thing about Irvine, what will that be?" (Pleas mark down on the walk sheet what their response is for this question)

It is much more personal and effective if we can knock on door and actually talk to the people in the home. A simple smile, a greeting, or ask "What can we do for you if we win the election?" These gestures will go a long way.

6. People may ask: "Which party is Gang Chen affiliated with?"  If they are Republican, just say "Gang is a Republican." If they are with other parties, just say "Gang has been an Independent for 12 years, and recently signed up as a moderate Republican."

Never argue with voters. If they do not agree with you, just smile and say "Thank You!" and walk away. Never go into homes or apartments, even if invited.

7. If they are not home, then we can leave them a flyer at the floor in front of their door. Do NOT put the flyer in the mailbox because that is the property of USPS. You can addhand-written note on the flyer saying: "Hope to see you next time!" and then sign your own name to make it more personal. If you do not have good hand-writing, you can just leave the flyer without writing anything. 

8. NEVER go inside the house of a voter under any circumstance. This is for your own safety.

9. If the voters do not agree with you, never argue with them. Just say "Thank You!" and walk away. Your time is much better spend with the undecided voters than arguing with them.

10. It is a tough battle, but we can do it. Let's go get them!

See GangChenUSA.com for the latest updates. E-mail: info@GangChenUSA.com   

Paid for by Gang Chen for Mayor 2016, FPPC# 1379051