
纽约代伟-102179  01/28   7798  


Daily Kos Elections

没多久之前,商人Mike Parrish还被民主党当做是这个郊区“摇摆区”(Swing District)的强棒。但到去年12月份,开始传出风声说民主党准备另择他人。这不仅是由于Parrish的竞选筹款状况有点不尽人意,还因为本地并没有完全被共和党人牢牢把握。

也许不是偶然,在邻近的PA7-宾州七区,李林笛却有着相当不错的筹款成绩。但本地民主党看起来Bill Golderer适合于该区,便在今年一月初将李林笛调换至宾州六区。

现在,看起来在民主党的赞许下,李林笛已经整合了六区当地的支持盘:这位25岁的金融经理宣布,她已经获得几个当地工会(机械师工会及水管工工会等)、多位来自其它州的亚裔国会议员(孟昭文、刘云平及Mike  Honda等)及一些郡级官员的背书支持。其中尤为重要的一位,是国会议员Bob Brady(宾州1区),他是费城地区举足轻重的幕民主党幕后实力人物。
另外,刚刚背书的还有宾州17区国会议员Brady Cartwright。目前共有五位美国国会议员为李林笛背书。

原文来源:Daily Kos Elections
PA-06: It wasn’t that long ago that businessman Mike Parrish was considered a 'good get' for the Dems in this suburban swing district, but in December it started to leak that the Dem establishment was casting about for someone else, not just because his fundraising was lousy but also because locals weren't very sold on the ex-Republican's bona fides. Perhaps not coincidentally, Lindy Li, who had raised money fairly well in next-door PA-07, but where local Dems seemed satisfied with Bill Golderer as their candidate, switched over to the 6th in early January.

​And now it looks like Li has consolidated the local establishment’s support for the Dem nod in the 6th. The 25-year-old financial manager has announced that she has the backing of several union locals (Machinists and Plumbers), several Asian-American Reps. from other states (Mike Honda, Grace Meng, and Ted Lieu), some county-level elected officials, and maybe most importantly, Rep. Bob Brady, who wields much of the behind-the-scenes power in Philadelphia area Dem politics.