
陳鋼市長競選團隊  01/26   6678  



"陳鋼競選市長2016" 開始挨家挨戶運動,請加入我們的隊伍,為了更好的爾灣!

讓我們在 1/30/16 下午2點見面,我們將在 14301 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA 92604 集合。我們會在湖邊的涼亭和遊戲場附近見面。


請讓 Victoria (@串串風鈴 GangChenUSA.com 義工總幹事) 知道你是否能加入競選義工團隊,我們需要確定人數。

註:1/30/16 及 1/31/16 兩天有中國新年慶祝活動,從上午11點到下午2點30分。附近的停車場,包括 IvyMax 的停車場將會有很多車,這就是為什麼我們要聚集在一個新的位置,避開擁擠的交通。

集结号已吹响:陈钢市长竞选团队开始扫街拜票, 希望您能加入我们的团队!
"Gang Chen for Mayor 2016" starts door-to-door campaign, please join our Gang for a better Irvine!
Let us meet at 1/30/16, 2 pm, we'll meet at Heritage Park, 14301 Yale Ave, Irvine, CA 92604. We'll meet at the Pavilion next to the Lake and near  the playground. We'll briefly go over how to do it, and then we'll spread out and hit the precinct from 2pm to 5pm. Bring your cell phone with GPS app, and a ball pen, and some binder clips. Make sure you put on sunblock and dress nicely. You'll be meeting voters and your image represents our campaign team. Please let Victoria (@串串风鈴GangChenUSA.com义工总幹事  ) know if you can join us so that we can have a head count.
There is a Chinese New Year Festival between 11am to 2:30pm on 1/30/16 and 1/31/16. The parking lot around there, including the Parking lot for IvyMax will be very full, that is why we are gathering at a new location, away from the heavy traffic.