Barry 管“闲事” , 怒斥余胤良

硅谷老7-877  06/25   7303  

Barry 闲事 是有名的,往事一件。                               

某年湾区的华裔头面人物(政客,社区大佬,金主等等)关门吵架,Barry就余胤良反对在唐人街建市立大学分校园的事情,当场发飙,破口大骂... ...  当时,Leland Yee  旧金山的一些华人社区大佬出于自己的利益, Hilton  Hotel 站在一起,反对 SF City College's new campus in Chinatown. 

Barry似乎是从下面角度考虑这个问题  San Francisco City College was to  build a Chinatown campus.  It took some 20 years to get enough funding and overcome site issues.  Leland Yee, probably bought by the Hilton Hotel (it's called Financial District Hilton, not Chinatown Hilton, even though it's immediately adjacent to Chinatown and 2-3 blocks from "financial district"), strongly opposed it.  This campus would be the way out of Chinatown into good jobs and a bright future for new immigrants in Chinatown, to learn English and job skills instead of being stuck washing dishes in Chinatown for the rest of their lives.   ” 当然,这个分校园的最大受益者是弱势的新移民,他们没有机会参与社区领袖之间的讨论。当时,许多华人金主在场,Leland 此后不再公开反对 (不知道幕后如何),校园终于建立了。

Leland 后来的事情大家都知道了  如果他从上述事件中吸取教训, 也许 ...  ... 唉...