how long must I have sorrow in my heart

Sola Fide-102045  05/25   3964  

Have you ever spent much time in the Psalms? That book of the Bible is filled with a lot of treasure! In this book we find many verses from David, who is affectionately known as the man after God’s own heart. He wanted more than just an intellectual relationship with God. He wanted to experience a very intimate relationship with Him every day. Another significant event you will find in this book or elsewhere in the Bible is when both David and Jesus Christ Himself asked, “Why?” 

About a year before my quadriplegic fiancé had a second accident, which put him in the hospital for over a year before he died, my family and I had morning family devotions. We would read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverbs a day. At that time, I thought the writers of the Psalms were a bunch of whinebags and complainers. It was only a short time later, when I would join the WhineBag Club myself. When you have deep pain or grief, you will better be able to relate to the writers in the Book of Psalms and learn to cry out to God and experience His comfort like never before. 

Surf through the Psalms and find 1-2 verses that relate to exactly what you are going through right now. Look for some verses that talk about "how long must I have sorrow in my heart" or "crying out in distress morning, day, and night."  

When you find yourself having trouble sleeping or right before you go to bed each night, talk to God about one Psalm each night and personalize it as you talk to Him about it. 

Memorizing and meditating on scripture, as well as personalizing it while talking with God, are some of the best ways to find His heart.