Ever feel worn out by grief, circumstances, or life?

Sola Fide-102045  05/24   2443  

Grief and tough circumstances in life can be extremely draining and very hard work. 

It can feel as though you move two steps forward, only to go back four steps a few days later. 

I think everyone can relate to Job 16:7 at some point in their life..."Surely, O God, You have worn me out!" 

Since grief morphs day to day, it can definitely wear you out! 

The great thing is this: God doesn't permanently leave us feeling worn out. As we seek His heart, and love Him through our circumstances, He strengthens us and brings blessings out of our pain. 

For every chapter of our lives that cry out like Job 16:7, there will be a chapter like Job 42 that redeems our lives as we submit to God. 

Read Job 42 to see how God rewarded Job for remaining faithful.