Disney petition

zhongdan lan-100790  05/12   4429  

I hope you received the important petition that my colleague Gregory sent you on Monday. This petition seeks to ensure that Queen Elsa does not "get a girlfriend" in the sequel to Disney's popular Frozen movie.

This petition has grown exponentially in the last few days. As of right now, it's up to almost 100,000 signatures! The petition has also started to get media attention, especially from liberal media pundits who can't believe that this many people want to support the natural family.

Help us keep the momentum going by signing or sharing this petition right now!

If you've already signed the petition, thank you! You can share the petition with your friends by following this link: http://www.citizengo.org/en/fm/34400-disney-no-princess-queen-elsa-charmingprinceforelsa?m=5&tcid=22426870

If you haven't had a chance to sign the petition, please read Gregory's full note below and sign by following this link: http://www.citizengo.org/en/fm/34400-disney-no-princess-queen-elsa-charmingprinceforelsa

With your help, we can ensure that Disney protects our children by not giving Elsa a girlfriend in Frozen 2.


Caroline Craddock

P.S. Remember, if you've already signed this petition you can still help it reach more people by sharing it: http://www.citizengo.org/en/fm/34400-disney-no-princess-queen-elsa-charmingprinceforelsa?m=5&tcid=22426870

Disney is facing fierce pressure from liberal groups who are demanding their writers turn Queen Elsa into a lesbian during the sequel, “Frozen 2.”

Sign now so that Disney will not give in to the pressures of the liberal agenda. Please fight back now. Ask Disney for Elsa to fall in love with her Prince Charming. CharmingPrinceForElsa

Join the 37,000 -- please sign our petition now.

Dear Daniel,
Disney is facing fierce pressure from liberal groups who are demanding their writers turn Queen Elsa into a lesbian during the sequel, “Frozen 2.”

Please join the 37,000 who’ve already signed our petition against this absurd “movement.”

With our petition, we’re suggesting Disney with a much better idea… An idea that promotes solid family values to our children and represents the natural family.

Join the 37,000 -- sign our petition, now, to Disney asking that Elsa fall in love with a Prince.

Queen Elsa a Lesbian? Thinking about our children, this idea is frightening.

Last week, the LGBT lobby and liberal Hollywood stood together demanding Disney create Queen Elsa’s character into a Lesbian. If fact, they claim, based off of her character views in Frozen, she is already a lesbian and now only needs a girlfriend.

In their viral campaign, the hashtag GiveElsaAGirlFriend instantly became a trending topic across twitter and popular on Facebook.

Global media outlets with influence started publishing opinion articles, calling this message “universal… there are women who love women, and that we deserve love stories too.” This unified demand is for Disney to ‘improve its record on representing LGBT people.’

They want Disney to feed our children a political movement.

Sign our petition now

Frozen is the “highest-grossing animated film” of all time. Its influence reaches into the hearts and minds of children. Girls across the world grow up dreaming of the day they marry their Prince Charming and they want to be like their favorite Disney Princess.

GLAAD, a US gay lobby organization and hate-group against Christians, released a statement criticizing the 11 films released by Disney in 2015, "0 appearances of LGBT people" in these animated films.

This attempt comes in the name of political correctness. We hope that Disney will not give in to the pressures of the liberal agenda. We are asking you to fight back now. Ask Disney for Elsa to fall in love with her Prince Charming. #CharmingPrinceForElsa

With 37,000 signatures already. Join with the others who’ve signed this petition, asking Disney not to placate political correctness by turning Queen Elsa into a lesbian. Such a demand to do so stems from a political movement intended to feed our children with a divisive political message.

Join the 37,000 and sign and share now:


Gregory Mertz and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S. After signing-- please don't forget to share this petition with friends and family. On social media-- please use this hashtag #CharmingPrinceForElsa

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and fundamental rights worldwide. To find out more about CitizenGO click here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. This message is addressed to zlan@hotmail.com. If you do not wish to receive emails from CitizenGO, click on this link.

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