2016年哈维公共学校系统教育委员会(HCPSS BOE)选举推荐候选人名单

徐菁-100786  04/13   3732  

80-20 大华府分会理事会在听取了哈维郡华裔社区成员及家长的意见后,投票通过以下候选人为向华裔社区推荐的候选人。
全体认同的候选人(按姓氏排序):Christina Delmont-Small, Pravin Ponnuri, Janet Siddiqui
多数认同的候选人(按姓氏排序):Kirsten Coombs, Ellen Flynn Giles, Robert Wayne Miller

4月26日初选 (primary election)共有11位候选人,每位选民只能选三位,得票最多的6位将晋级到11月8日的大选 (general election),其中三位将最终成为新一届教育委员会成员。 BOE选举为无党派选举,因此注册任何党派或没注册党派的都可以参加投票。

2016 HCPSS Board of Election
80-20 DC Chapter Endorsement

Recommendation by Unanimity (in alphabetical order) :
Christina Delmont-Small served as PTA Council of Howard County president for three terms & also on the Operating Budget Review Committee. She previously worked for the U.S. House of Representatives. Mrs. Delmont-Small strongly believes diversity of thoughts. Last year, she was invited by CAPA to give a presentation introducing the function and operation of PTAC and encouraging parents to join PTA and get involved in PTA activities. She also invited Asian families to the BOE candidate forum hosted by PTAC in the last election year. She demonstrated ability and willingness to outreach to the Asian families.
Pravin Ponnuri is an information technology project manager for the federal government, parent of two children in Howard County public schools, and a magician for children's birthday parties. As a first generation immigrant from India, he shares similar backgrounds and views with other Asian families. He understands the glass ceiling that Asian Americans are facing. He strongly believes the school should raise kids who can compete globally.
Janet Siddiqui is a pediatrician and has been living in Howard County for over 30 years. She is an experienced BOE member since 2007 and served as Chairman and Vice Chairman of BOE previously. Dr. Siddiqui has been a strong supporter of the advocacy of day off on the Lunar New Year since two years ago. That demonstrated her willingness to work with the Asian Community.
Recommendation by Majority (in alphabetical order):
Kirsten Coombs volunteers for the Howard County Library and other causes around Central Maryland, and also serves on the Columbia Town Center Community Association and the Inner Arbor Trust Board. Mrs. Coombs was driven to run because she believes that accountability and oversight are needed in the school system. She supports to recruit more Asian teachers in the school system by paying higher salaries to the teachers. She believes the GT programs should have higher priority comparing to other considerations.
Ellen Flynn Giles is an editor and analyst for the energy division of a major publisher. Mrs. Giles currently is the Vice Chair and is serving her third term on the Board of Education. She is a member of the Board’s Audit Committee, a Director of MABE’s Legal Services Association (LSA), and serves as the Board’s liaison to the County Executive's Spending Affordability Committee. Mrs. Giles has been very friendly to the Asian-American community and always attended Asian community events.
Robert Wayne Miller taught band in Howard County for 34 years until his retirement this spring. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology and bachelor's and master's degrees in music education from the University of Maryland College Park. Both of his children went to schools in the county. He is most concerned about standard tests and teacher evaluation in HCPSS. He strongly believes that GT programs need to keep the standards high.