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Subject: U.S.Department of Homeland Security ALERT !!
U.S.Department of Homeland Security ALERT !!!!!
UPS Uniforms
Government Warning regarding purchase of UPS uniforms:
There has been a huge purchase, $32,000 worth, of United Parcel Service (UPS) uniforms on eBay over the last 30 days. This could represent a serious threat as bogus drivers (terrorists) can drop off anything to anyone with deadly consequences! If you have ANY questions when a UPS driver appears at your door they should be able to furnish VALID I.D.
Additionally, if someone in a UPS uniform comes to make a drop off or pick up, make absolutely sure! they are driving a UPS truck. UPS doesn't make deliveries or pickups in anything, except a company vehicle. If you have a problem, call your local law enforcement agency right away!
TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! Tell everyone in your office, your family, your friends, etc. Make people aware so that we can prepare and/or avoid terrorist attacks on our people! Thank you for your time in reviewing this and PLEASE send to EVERYONE on your list, even if they are friend or foe. We should all be aware!
Kimberly Bush-Carr
Management Program Specialist
U.S.Department of Homeland Security
Bureau Customs and Border Protection
美國政府國土安全機構防恐部門發出此通知:過去30天,有人在eBay購買美金$32,000的UPS送貨員工制服。這代表對美國國家的安全問題,因為UPS的司機(恐怖分子)可能隨時會出現在你門口,替你送來有危險性質的包裹!因此當有UPS的司機在你家門口出現,要給你包裹時,請務必看他的UPS身分證件。此外,若有任何穿著UPS制服的人,來拿取或者送來包裹,請大家務必確認他們開著UPS的卡車來取貨及送貨!UPS的職員絕對不會沒有開UPS公司的車子去取貨及送貨的!若您覺得有任何可疑現象,請通知附近的警察局!請務必正視此事件,並請將這份通知轉達你的親朋好友,同事等人!希望大家対此事有所警覺,而能避免任何恐怖份子対百姓生命的威脅!謝謝您対此事件的關注,也請大家告訴大家,一起關心這個事件!此通知發自美國國土安全機構防恐部門(即 Kimberly Bush-Carr
Management Program Specialist
U.S.Department of Homeland Security
Bureau Customs and Border Protection)