全方位稅務講座: 付稅!省稅!免稅!你知多少!

user2477-2477  03/18   3504  


川普2018年的新稅改計劃 以及長期税務規劃
Tax Planning and Savings Strategies Seminar
2018 年通過的川普減稅法案是美國自1986年以後最大規模的稅改。本次講座將全面探討到各層面的影響。

  • **提綱總結川普2018年的新稅改計劃
  • **介紹川普稅改的更新版提要
  • **個人如何應對川普2018年的新稅改計劃並且享受到最大利益?
  • **你如何在此次稅改的衝擊中找到你的應對策略?
  • ** 在新稅法下如何利用公司及小商業省稅?
  • 如何用家庭信託傳承財產?
  • 如何建立完美的避稅工具讓你輕鬆退休
  • **如何才是個人長期的稅務規劃而不受限於不同政府的稅收計劃改變?
Location: GC TAX Office 
Speaker: George Chow

http://www.weidb.com/48b933ac-6db1-472b-85b7-1a403c7eb659" alt="George picture.jpg" width="136" height="155" id="ii_jnvzml0h1" _mf_state="1" title="null" style="-webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none;">*

George Chow Bio

George is an IRS Enrolled Agent for 32 years. He is the owner of G.C. Tax Institute. He is also a tax professor at San Jose City College since 1988. The tax seminar will highlight the biggest tax reform since 1986 and how it would impact the American tax payers. He will also show you why the next 8 years is the best time in history to use for your long term tax strategy. 

Notes: Seminar will be in English 

Address: GC TAX Office 

Register Here


Nini Efia Yang

Financial Services

Email: nini.s.yang@gmail.com

Phone: 408-464-7563

Address : 39210 State Street Suite #211

Website : www.niniyang.com

Fremont, CA


Wishing you great success in life...