Kindness is your responsibility, do not ignore it

王山夆-104352  03/04   4890  

If you see your fellow Israelite’s ox or sheep straying, do not ignore it but be sure to take it back to its owner. If they do not live near you or if you do not know who owns it, take it home with you and keep it until they come looking for it. Then give it back. Do the same if you find their donkey or cloak or anything else they have lost. Do not ignore it. If you see your fellow Israelite’s donkey or ox fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help the owner get it to its feet. Deuteronomy‬ ‭22:1-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Kindness is your responsibility. Whenever you see the needs of help, do not ignore it, reach out your hands to help.

The Bible says to help your neighbors on their ox, sheep , donkey , cloak , or anything else they have lost. How much more valuable to help on the people who lost themselves.

Paul said ," I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. This is why I am so eager to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome."( Romans 1:14-15)

So, when you see any people who are lost , our of your kindness and love, reach out your hands , tell them the good news and help them to find the way.

Blessings .