
蒙城老張-101698  03/02   4740  







FBI Headquarters

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20535-0001












9/11事件发生之,在我们国家最为脆弱的时刻,布什总统和您在FBI的前任们,以及其他执法机关主动联系阿拉伯裔、穆斯林教美国人社区,以确保大家能够团结一心。我们的目标是希望FBI在履行它的职责时,考虑到有成千万的无辜的、遵纪守法的、爱国的亚裔美国人,尤其是华裔美国人,会直接或者间接地受到FBI的一言一行的影响。您一定熟知,在二战期间许多日裔美国人(其中三分之二是美国公民)被关押在拘留营的事件---- 后来美国两党的总统都就此事道歉,并且国会通过了纠错赔偿法案。我们希望避免类似的事件再度发生。持续不断的对话是沟通理解的关键。


我们已经准备好与您对话,并倾听您的看法。如果您要与我们接洽,请与吴华扬先生联系:(212) 371-6565chair@committee100.org




Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) (亚美法律维权与教育基金)

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles (亚美公益促进中心 – 洛杉矶)

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Washington (AAJC) (亚美公益促进中心—华盛顿)

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA) (亚太裔劳工联盟)

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association(APAPA) (亚太联盟)

Asian Services in Action (ASIA) (亚裔服务行动中心)

Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.) (北美同源总会)

Committee of 100 (C100) (百人会)

Council of Korean Americans (CKA) (韩美会)

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) (美国-伊斯兰关系委员会)

Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) (日裔美国公民联盟)

OCA - Asian American Advocates (OCA) (美华协会)

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) (东南亚资源中心)

United Chinese Americans (UCA) (美国华人联合会)



- 英文原文 -

Contact: Frank H. Wu, Chairman  

media@committee100.org or 212-371-6565  


Community Organizations Call for Meeting with FBI Director Christopher Wray Regarding Profiling of Students, Scholars, and Scientists with Chinese Origins 


New York, NY, March 1, 2018 – Today, a coalition of community, non-profit, fraternal, and civic organizations representing Asian Americans and Chinese Americans released an open letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray urging him to meet to discuss recent remarks he made apparently characterizing all persons of Chinese origin in the United States as a national security threat. The groups believed such sentiments violate American principles against stereotyping based on race and ethnicity. Their statement is below.  

The Honorable Christopher Wray 

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations 

FBI Headquarters 

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 

Washington, DC 20535-0001 


March 1, 2018 


Dear Mr. Wray, 


We write to express concern over remarks you made at the Senate Hearing Select Committee on Intelligence on February 13, 2018. We are a coalition of organizations, representing a range of communities, including Chinese Americans, Asian Americans, and others committed to American principles of civil rights. We include community groups, fraternal associations, non-profit organizations, and professional associations. All of the organizations represented are non-partisan. What unites us is our interest in promoting belonging and equality, including of immigrants. On behalf of our many thousands of members, who are loyal citizens, native-born and naturalized, as well as immigrants, we request a meeting at your earliest convenience. We believe there is an opportunity to engage in positive dialogue to advance our nation’s ideals as well as its national security. 


At such a meeting, we would offer you an opportunity to speak directly to representatives of the millions of Asian Americans — our nation’s fastest-growing minority group. The truth is that many of our constituents were shocked, with feelings of both anger and sadness, that anyone would suggest they were a threat to all of American society. Thus we would like an opportunity to discuss how well-intentioned public policies might nonetheless lead to troubling issues of potential bias, racial profiling, and wrongful prosecution. We can communicate a message back directly to many who are troubled by what may be a misinterpretation of your comments. 


There are now over 18 million Asian Americans, and those with ethnic Chinese origins constitute the single most numerous population. We are taxpayers. We include sixthgenerationCalifornians. Among us are individuals who have served and continue to serve in the federal government, law enforcement (such as the FBI itself), armed forces, and with intelligence agencies. Many of us, or our ancestors, came as students or scholars. We contribute to society as entrepreneurs, in every scientific discipline, and at all academic institutions. Foreign students continue to come in this tradition. While here, they add to our academic institutions and deserve fair treatment. 


After 9/11, with our nation at its most vulnerable, President George W. Bush and your predecessors at the FBI and with other law enforcement authorities reached out to Arab American and Muslim American communities to ensure everyone came together in unity. Our goal is to ensure that in discharging the FBI’s duties, the agency is aware of the many millions of innocent, law-abiding, and patriotic Asian Americans, in particular Chinese Americans, who are affected directly or indirectly by its actions and statements. No doubt you are familiar with the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, two-thirds U.S. citizens, for which Presidents of both parties have apologized and Congress issued redress. We would like to avoid such a situation in the future. Ongoing dialogue is crucial.  


We are ready to talk and to listen. We request the opportunity to do so with you. 




Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Washington (AAJC) 

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA) 

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) 

Asian Services in Action (ASIA) 

Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.) 

Committee of 100 (C100) 

Council of Korean Americans (CKA) 

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) 

Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) 

OCA - Asian American Advocates (OCA) 

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) 

United Chinese Americans (UCA) 


Organizations listed alphabetically; list in formation (文章信息来自美国百人会)