安省保守党党领候选人 Tanya Granic Allen - 社会保守,财政保守,捍卫自由 ,反对腐败 (Social Conservative, Fiscal Conservative, Pro-Freedom, Anti-Corruption)
诚信-114572 02/19 77144.0/1
Why is Tanya Running? Tanya Granic Allen is running to be a strong voice against Kathleen Wynne’s sex-education curriculum and for freedom of speech, especially on issues that affect our families. Tanya is pro-Life and a social conservative. As with so many members of our party, when Tanya saw how socially conservative Ontarians and other principled Ontarians were treated in nomination selections and how their views were treated in the policy process, she was outraged.
Tanya 为什么参选?Tanya Granic Allen 一直在为反对韦恩的性教育大纲,言论自由,特别是对影响我们传统家庭的问题上,发出强烈的呼声。Tanya是反对堕胎,保护生命的社会保守派。就像我们保守党的很多成员一样,当 Tanya看到在安省保守党提名选择中,社会保守派人士和其他坚持原则的人,以及他们观点被不公平对待时,她对此感到愤慨。
Tanya Granic Allen is a businesswoman, writer, commentator, and public speaker, primarily focusing on issues affecting women, youth and the family. She has over 20 years’ experience in politics at the local, national, and international level.
Tanya Granic Allen是一位商人,作家,评论员和公众演说家,他主要关注影响妇女,青年和家庭的问题。她在地方,国家和国际层面拥有超过20年的从政经验。
Tanya joined Parents As First Educators (PAGE) as president in February 2016. She has participated in several United Nations conferences advocating for children and the family.
Tanya于2016年2月加入了“父母是第一教育者协会(PAGE)” 并担任主席。她参加了多次联合国会议,倡导保护儿童和家庭权益。
Tanya has appeared in various news media including CBC, CTV, Global, Sun News, CP24, CityTV, National Post,Toronto Star, EWTN, LifeSiteNews, and The Interim. As a guest speaker, Tanya has addressed crowds from 20 to 20,000.
Tanya被邀请在CBC,CTV,Global,Sun News,CP24,CityTV,National Post,Toronto Star,EWTN,LifeSiteNews和The Interim等各种新闻媒体,作演讲嘉宾。她曾给小到20 ,大到20万的人做过演讲。
Tanya knows firsthand that parents are the first educators of their children and is a staunch defender of parental rights.
Tanya is the mother of four young children, and she resides in Grey County with her husband, Jonathan. In her leisure time, she enjoys golf, hockey, baking, and exploring new places.
Tanya是四个孩子的母亲,她和丈夫 Jonathan 住在Grey County。在闲暇时间,她喜欢高尔夫,曲棍球,烹饪和旅游。
附注: Tanya 的丈夫 Jonathan 出生在香港,在新加坡长大,曾在上海工作,会说流利的普通话。Jonathan 融合着典型的华人传统理念,对 Tanya的影响很大。