Sophomore network email:

anonymous-104090  08/09   2932  

Below is a message from the Gunn PTSA Communications Team about the Gunn PTSA Directory.


Dear Gunn Parents:

Looking to connect with an old friend, or a new parent you just met?

Gunn PTSA uses UpToUs for electronic Directory and community messaging. UpToUs is password protected and you have control over the information you want viewable by others. You may change your information, preferences or privacy settings at anytime. Additional features include group calendaring, club/team/group email lists, volunteer signups and events. When registering your student this year, you indicated via Infinite Campus your preference to be included in emails from the PTSA or in the school Directory. Subsequently, PAUSD has only given us your information if you answered "YES". So, these are the only names in our directory.

If you are not getting any communications from PTSA, cannot sign into the directory or still want to participate, let us know.
If you want to check or change information seen in the directory, then sign in to hide/delete/update what’s associated with your account. Those who already indicated “No Directory” have been hidden.
Any emails sent via UpToUs always include the option to “Opt Out” at the bottom.

To sign in to the Gunn eDirectory (optional):

Go to
Login using the email address provided to PAUSD (the same one you use for Infinite Campus
For existing UpToUs members – No change in password
For new UpToUs members – Click the “Forgot Password” option and Reset Password.
4. If something goes wrong, send an email to

The directory information is replaced each year, so any modifications you make are not shared with PAUSD's database. To make permanent changes to your information or preferences, please change it by logging in to Infinite Campus and making changes there. The volunteers who produced the directory have made every attempt to ensure the data are accurate, reliable, timely and authorized to be published. Information in the directory is available to families and staff of Gunn High School and may only be used for school related activities. It may not be used for commercial or marketing purposes or otherwise distributed/shared.

In addition UpToUs has apps both for the iPhone:

and Android phones:

If you have any concerns or comments, send an email to

Josette Domokos, Annie Bedichek and Sara Armstrong

Gunn PTSA VPs of Communications

Philippe Alexis

Gunn PTSA Directory and Website Administrator

To respond to the whole group, click Reply All or post a message from your browser using the following link:

UpToUs: Great local deals from the UpToUs directory. Support local schools and businesses:
UpToUs privacy: If you wish not to receive emails from this group, please unsubscribe here