认清卑诗省教师联会(BCTF)的真相!The True Color of BCTF!

parental rights-1260  09/08   8948  

编者按: We love teachers, but we don't love BCTF.

By 佐罗

这是2012年BCTF教师工潮时一位家长写给当时的教育厅长 George Abbott的信。两年多过去了,由于BCTF的存在,BC省的公立教育没有丝毫改善,反而日渐恶化,表现在工潮旷日持久和不断升级,和BCTF在校园强推“性别频谱”(也叫性别系列)引起的“性别认知混乱”、鼓吹荷尔蒙抑制剂无害论,毒害下一代。BCTF支持的Vision Vancouver 控制的温哥华教育局6月份通过的跨性政策,事实上允许性别、厕所自选,这一切都是以所谓“反欺凌”为借口强行推行的。 Gender Spectrum 是个非常危险的概念,在学校推广这些“教义”,BCTF已经涉嫌违反BC School Act了。家长们一定要高度警惕,没有一个家长希望自己不知情的情况下,自己的孩子被注射荷尔蒙抑制剂。大家说,是不是?

Dear Hon. George Abbott,
I wish to extend my appreciation to you for your effort in ending the labor dispute with B.C. teachers.  As a parent with two children in Burnaby, it is very important to my children and to my family that this dispute is resolved as quickly as possible.  Children deserve to be in a strong and supportive educational environment.  I encourage you to look at this crisis as an opportunity.  This may be the turning point necessary to restore our education system.  We must ensure that the best interests of our students are protected. There is no better way to do so than to shift the power imbalance between parents and schools and restore parental authority in the education of their own children.  
Many parents have significant concerns with some of the policy decisions being made by the BCTF.  The gender confusion teacher classroom hand book “Gender Spectrum- What Educators Need to Know” is one example of a dangerous social doctrine that has no place in our schools.  As an example, the document states “Hormone blockers are a safe way to 'buy time' as the transgender teen decides whether to go on cross-hormones. This treatment prevents the (often traumatic) development of secondary sex characteristics that do not match the person’s gender identity...This treatment is widely endorsed by family doctors, endocrinologists, psychologists, and other specialists involved in transgender health programs.”      (http://bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Issues/LGBTQ/Resources/GenderSpectrum.pdf)  In fact, hormone blockers are extremely dangerous to children and are not at all endorsed by the vast majority of medical professionals.   A child's vulnerability must never be exploited in order to promote any agenda. In endorsing such an abuse of children, the BCTF has completely lost touch with what the vast majority of its members demand and expect. The role of the BCTF should be to ensure that its members are fairly paid as they teach children the skills they need to succeed in the workforce and in society.  The BCTF has lost touch with its primary role.
The BCTF has been increasingly promoting a sexual dogma that is at odds with the beliefs of many students and their families.  This, despite Section 76.2 of BC’s School Act which states “The highest morality must be inculcated, but no religious dogma or creed is to be taught in a school or Provincial school”, it is obvious that the BCTF is promoting a particular dogma.  Unfortunately, the might of the union has left parents feeling marginalized. Our education system will succeed only when it once again recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their own children and that parents retain this authority even when they delegate some of their responsibility to others who assist them.  
I support legislation to end the teachers’ strike and I appreciate your endeavor to redistribute the limited resource in a more practical way.

A BC Parent