A D28 Chinese Voter's Voice
Maggie Tian-911 04/14 5347
Hi Ying,
Thanks for your wise words!
I definitely agree with you- in D 25 & 28, all Asian voters should choose Chuck Page only, leaving the another as "non-declared" or "independent". Do not vote for any D candidates including Barry! This is the best chance to turn D 28 & 25 into a lighter blue or even RED.
I have recommended thousands of people to do so, so I were kicked out four times by the groups like "500 strongers" and "American Chinese" and so on...
Give me a call at 408.518.2757, I need to discuss with you about the newspaper ads. I am stuck there for a while.
Awaiting and look forward to get connected with you.
-Maggie Tian
On Saturday, April 12, 2014, ying diep Ying wrote:
Hi Maggie,
We were Cupertino library this afternoon to pass out flyers Republican candidate campaign Chuck Page campaign flyers. Some of the Chinese still have not heard of SCA 5.
I know your people are working very hard to stop SCA 5. I just want to remind that 25 & 28 district might have more chance to make change to Red.
We need to let more people know that change Red is so important.
2014-04-07 19:32 GMT-07:00 Maggie Tian
我叫Maggie Tian,是湾区的一名普通义工,致力于改善华人形象,建立华人与其他族裔的沟通渠道,希望各族裔之间能加强了解和谐共处。
我呼吁真心反对SCA-5,并认为当务之急是要依靠共和党拿下1/3 席位,以打破民主党绝对多数选票的亚洲选民,速登记注册支持共和党,或者注册为独立选民。并以小额捐款$5.00- $10.00方式表达对共和党反对SCA-5的感激之情为GOP助选造势。
捐款可以给本次竞选最有希望获胜的南加共和党竞选总部Orange County GOP, 网址是 www.ocgop.org。或者给加州GOP竞选总部www.cagop.org。这两个官网经查证都是可靠的。小额捐款如果人数众多能有效体现亚裔关注政治,支持共和党的团结一致。
如果一家三口人,每人捐$10.00,比一个人一次捐$30.00更有说服力。请在facebook和社交圈里推广。Peter Kuo 说 facebook的广告效果超过地方报纸。要利用网络,social network。
Maggie Tian