海哥哥诚邀你来参与今晚Cupertino Community Workshop on General Plan Amendment and Housing Element @6:30PM
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11月20日Community Workshop on General Plan Amendment and Housing Element - Nov 20
Time: November 20, 2014 at 6:30 pm,
Address: at the Quinlan Community Center, Cupertino Room, 10185 N Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA 95014.
Every City in California is required to have a Housing Element per State Law. As part of the Housing Element, the City of Cupertino is required to identify sites for approximately 1,400 units for the eight-year period from 2014-2022. For the past eighteen months the City has also been working on General Plan amendment requests for additional height and office allocations, and land use changes on sites from a number of property owners, including the Vallco Shopping District. To date, the City has sent out postcards to every postal customer in the City on three separate occasions during the project and has held about 25 meetings and workshops to collect input regarding the amendment requests, ideas for the Vallco Shopping District and identify appropriate sites for the Housing Element.